el diablo
There’s a new TV show I did a video on called, Little Demon. It’s an adult cartoon show with Danny Devito and his daughter and a bunch of other Satanist like Swartzenegger and DeVito’s wife and daughter. I give the names in my BitChute video. There’s this 13 year old girl in the cartoon that is said to be the daughter of the Devil and called the Antichrist. I guess they’re paying homage to the Rosemary’s Baby theme.
It’s strange how open they have become about their religion. Satanist are trying to sue the government over the new abortion laws. They are claiming the killing of babies in the womb is a religious right for them. In the new Thor movie, Christian Bale plays this guy who goes around the Galaxy killing “gods”. These Satanic themes seem to be popular with the world today or maybe it’s just Hollywood forcing it down people’s throats. When you see them boasting of their Satanism, like Christian Bale when they gave him some award for his role as Cheney in Vice; he thanked Satan for inspiring him to play Cheney. Vice was an Adam McKay movie who is another Hollywood producer connected to Satanism.
And Danny DeVito was saying how he was so excited to be able to play Satan in this perverse cartoon. It reminds me of Nero and Caligula and that level of depravity. Why would anyone even watch the show? Are they also Satanists? Are there that many young people or whoever who have accepted Satan as their god? Do they think it’s a joke or humorous?
I would submit that these are people, like DeVito, who have actually sold their souls. I think there are millions (billions?) of people worldwide who are ready to give themselves over to Satan. That’s how bad it is. They are ready for the Mark and have virtually accepted it already in their addiction to their IPhones and all that it entails—the Image of the Beast.