Project Suicide

in #literature7 years ago

Time: A

Niskala started the procession of his death, the camera began recording ...

He sat on the shroud he had previously spread.

A knife leads to a pulse in his left hand, the projector turns and the light becomes the background of the procession scene. The screen shows her childhood memories ...

Method :


Recommendation :

********** (10 stars)

Businesses Needed:
It does not take a long time to prepare, but punctures the body to make sure death takes more time. Maybe you should practice first.


Quite a mess. Imagine melting ice cream-like blood scattered around where you sit.

Pain Factor:

High enough. Slicing the body slowly will be very painful. A sharp knife will slightly lessen the pain. In a short time your heart will be pounding like crazy and you will feel cold all over your body before fainting.


Very dramatic, even if you survive. Suicidal scars with this method will look cool for anyone who survives.

Certainty of Death:

Not too good. If you cut the veins on your wrist perpendicularly, chances are you will survive. Cut out a long pulse in your hand so that the wound will be hard to close again. The faster and more definite is to cut the artery in the inner elbow, in the fermoral artery.

Options for Coward:

It will take a few minutes for you to faint. You can take a few minutes to wrap your wound tightly or cover the wound in any way until the bleeding stops.

Other Points:

Anti-coagulant will go all the way if you know what to do. Apparently aspirin is the best that can help it. Try to tear your tendon and your carpal tunnel is as destructive as possible.

Left hemisphere (slitting your intestines open with a short sword to form a Z on a torn in your stomach, also called "seppuku") is known as one of the most painful suicides. Tearing of the carotid artery will speed up your death, but I think a stroke will attack before you can tear it.

Try to soak in warm water if this type of suicide method, warm water will prevent the process of blood clotting.

... a childhood memory of the rage that befell him. His body was imprisoned in a corner, his mouth poked with a pillowcase, a two-dimensional vision, restricting him from getting out of the white line after being raped by his image of the future.


Pseudo-Intertekstualitas Awareness (Unconsciousness)

Today in the middle tengadah my head, stiff
I started the story:
(With no vestiges left a grief scheme
I keep the words confined in prayer)

Today with sharp falsehood I killed my old story
With the wind cradle
That brings a thousand dying
I ordered him to stop laughing

Today in the desolate earth
With his own killing jokes
Kukuak some of the contemptible that stuck since
The sun rose in the corner of my eyes

Today no longer exists:
The word is crazy
A crashing mind
Inflamed taste
Live the dim room
Live petrified time
Gripping my body
To immediately melt me into an infinite hollow

Am I wrong, praying to die just because longing to make love with God!?!

Time: A

The procession will begin soon in the room. Memories of his past began to fade, the projector displayed a blank image.

Niskala picked up a jar of sleeping pills and drank it all at once on the shroud she had stretched ...

Method :

Overdose of Drugs

Recommendation :

****** (6 Stars)

Businesses Needed:

Small. Try not to buy more than one bottle of sleeping pills at a drug store.


Quite a mess. You can spit up everything you eat.

Pain Factor:

Unpredictable. On a scale of 1 to 10, everything is possible.


Not too bad. You may fall asleep peacefully, but may end up with vomiting.

Certainty of Death:

Slightly at risk. People can come at any time at the wrong time. If pills and medicine bottles are not scattered on your bed, or no vomit spills in your room, you'll just be mistaken for sleep. Mixing sleeping pills with alcohol will be very efficient. However, to better ensure death, try tying a plastic bag in your head.

Options for Coward:

There's a bit of a gamble if you've swallowed all the sleeping pills in a bottle. Drinking milk can be of little help until you can regurgitate all the pills. This is the name to prevent as much as possible the substances present in this drug are absorbed by the intestine. Some types of drugs such as Tylenol will very effectively destroy your livermu, can cause suffering to death in a matter of days to weeks.

Other Points:

Sleeping medicine is a classic method, of course. Tranquilizers and painkillers can work very well, unfortunately prescriptions for these drugs are hard to come by. When shopping, pay attention to the amount of medicine per pill versus pill size. A small pill with a high dose of sedation will allow death to come faster and look for a drug that has a warning label indicating that the product is a downer and should not be taken with alcohol.

****Past memories burst, the projector displays the scene of the conversation:****


My name is Samantha. I'm single. But there was a sign "No entry!" On my chest. Therefore, I am not a virgin anymore. I always forbid every man to touch my chest. But always let them into my womb, because with that I always feel reborn. And every time I'm born again, I expect to be born into a different family. But my wish was never answered, because I'm an orgasm. It's always the pleasure of orgasm over the answers like dark clouds cover the full moon.


Ha ha ha ha ha ... My name is man.

In Niskala's mind

Beautiful, lonely, or single? Actually his face is casual, simplicity aided by a smart appearance. Hair that always decomposes, eyes that are always bright during the day and bright in starry nights.


My name is Samantha, I always ask "Is the dew that hangs in the leaf?" You know the answer? If you know the answer in the envelope, send it to my house by the end of May, postmark. Do not be late ...


I also once asked about it.


My name is Samantha,
me and you are one
and reflected from the love of God
we are one split soul
and will not be reunited
for God has made us enough
feel Himself.


My name is Suicide, I'm the false Niskala. I'm a mirror, being a Niskala guy. So suicide is a good last word because I can never feel how to be a woman.


My name is Samantha, I'm still a girl!


I do not believe!


My name is Samantha. I am the beauty that was killed by fate, that's how I grew up.


My name is Niskala. I am a beautiful destiny, so I am encouraging.

They continue to introduce themselves to each other, my name is Niskala, my name is Samantha, until the images and sounds blend away with a dazzling white light, in a room whose light can be set to shrink, blink, or blink, can dazzle a thousand human jumping, dancing, stomping, following the beat of the music he played on a broad and majestic stage like the kingdom of heaven.


****Untitled #3****

Lie ... On the side of the naked Goddess Venus
Terpanah ... The love bow of Cupido god who is grudging

And even more night ahead
Love becomes more memorable
About us still floating
Hiding behind the night ...

I suppose ... The sins become eternal power
Here ... Behind the bars of self are becoming increasingly becoming

The days are shy
The wall is reluctant to chime
Our love is just memory

Time: A

The procession begins ...
Niskala tied her legs with a rope, then tied her own hand with a tooth. He then jumped from the bridge to the deep river below. The projector rotates ...

Method :


Recommendation :

**** (4 stars)

Businesses Needed:

Quite a lot. You will need weight that is heavy enough and tied to your body, or some other business if you do not drown naturally.


Varied, but most likely very messy. If your corpse is found more than 2 days, visually and aroma will be very disturbing.

Pain Factor:

Are you crazy? This is very painful unless you have graduated from buddhas-zen.


If you can relax and fall asleep when your lungs are filled with water, then it is beautiful and peaceful under the water.

Certainty of Death:

High enough. If you drown because a heavy weight is bound to your body, you will not survive. Moreover it will be very difficult to try to save a drowning person if your place immerses in moderately or swiftly.

Options for Coward:

Not too bad if you bring a knife to cut the rope tied to your feet. Just make sure you will have enough energy to swim to the surface.

Other Points:

If your body is not found quickly, it will be very disgusting. Besides, you can miss this water thing, just tie a plastic bag in your head. The drama is reduced a bit because of out of breath to die in a plastic bag will look silly. Do not forget to brush your teeth before using this method. Actually plastic bag method is recommended by Kevorkian because this method is the suicide method with the lowest level of violence.

... the girl's eyes sharpened at her. Quickly he sipped his beer. The girl got up, came to her. The girl grabbed Niskala's chin, then kissed her on the lips. Niskala responded. Niskala was drowned in beer and flooded in surprise.


****Memory Nihility****

In the dark two worlds ...
Waiting for the morning to fall ...
I followed the rhythm of the earth clenched dead, both ways and crashed
Clearly crashing ...
Two-way direction…

Blood is scattered and flowing ...
From the sacred fetus of two prophets ...
About two things, far apart
The one half of the other
And the only one

Only clouds ...
Only light flas ...
Blinding ...
Next to my eyes
But the birds chirping ...
The myth ...
Blinding ...
All my eyes
All my eyes
All my eyes ...

Drama will not stop ...
Death after death ...
Continue to slit the crying earth's breath hole; fire crying-burning tears ...

And to be right or wrong
I do not care
Let God be busy with his work
Let this faith belong to the Time
Because I am not there ...

I've reached nil point
The point at which science has not yet been born
Civilization and unborn culture
And I'm nothing ...

Time: A

The procession begins. Niskala poured a gallon of gasoline into his body, the projector reopened his past. He started the fire ...

Method :

Burn Self

Recommendation :

********** (10 stars)

Businesses Needed:

Little effort will be required to collect combustible materials and gasoline segalons if necessary.


Not bad. In some ways this method is a method that depletes the body, but sometimes it just leaves a large scorched mark.

Pain Factor:

If you have to ask, do not bother.


If you can stay completely calm, and nothing pulls you out of the fire, and enough fuel to make you to ashes, there will be nothing more beautiful. Keep in mind that your last few seconds on earth will be soaked in gasoline if you choose this akseleran.

Certainty of Death:

Gasoline might just blaze the outer parts of your body without threatening your life, sitting on a big pile of firewood with lots of airflow and lots of flammable liquids might be a good idea.

Options for Coward:

Breathing will slightly lighten your lungs, even though there is a chance your lungs will burn. But at least it will ensure a slow death. You may be able to survive if you rush out of the flames and run to the pool, if any, and you are still quite calm.

Other Points:

In addition to deciding whether to breathe or not, another thing to think about is to open your eyes or not. Eyes will quickly dry and distort before it stops functioning. If you decide to close your eyes, your eyelids are also flammable. Even so, the hair will burn out first. It would be better if all these processes were filmed.

Niskala burns a cigarette on a stage of greatness. Noisy, noisy music, she sang for the last time.


****Zoo Motion Picture****

Sunday morning
On foot
On the Road
No Edges

Schizophrenic screams
Gila's laugh
From the Animals

Riding a horse
Sama Mama
On the Morning

Wild Face
False Eyes
From the Animals

Kuajak Anjingku
Running-Run Morning
"Helly ...
Go to ...
Let's Run-Run ... "

Wolves, Seals
Lions, Tigers
Kijang, Banteng
Camel, Camel
Snake, Crocodile
Monkey, Man
Hahahaha Hahahaha…
Huhuhuhuhuhuh ...
Hihihihihihihihihihihi ...
Hehehehehe hehehehehe…
Hohohohohohohohohoho ...

Then he shouted:


So it keeps repeating.

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