My real death and my unreal life - Story - Sci-Fi

in #literature6 years ago
Since time immemorial, it has been said about death but always under a mystical premise as a denial of reality. In recent years, the human was convinced that death is only part of a cycle without end, part of the entropy and universal laws to which it was difficult for us to escape for a long time.


I never understood the last part of the life cycle. It always seemed unnecessary, futile and meaningless, however, the Universe works in this way and we had to untie one day from those harmful laws that made us perish.

It's important to take into account that the greatest assassin in history "The time" is stalking us with its arrows constantly and it would be difficult to escape from it, but at least escape this perishable biological formation would be a big step.

Sometimes I wonder what people did when they knew they were going to die, before creating a virtual environment like Soliptium. It's sad to think that people couldn't download their conscience and feeling that death was inevitable and that is why many superstitions and mystical quackeries were created. But then the man, not accepting his destiny, decided to be immortal.

I find myself lying on a divan, with a lot of circular and flat artifacts on my forehead, that will extract 99.9% of all my consciousness and within a few hours I will be in an environment as real as the one I am living now, but I wanted to record this before moving away from "reality". It should be noted that I am one of the few who decided to remember his previous life and form with it, the new one that lies ahead. I'm not sure if the process is painful, but from what I've been told, it's not, it's just like a hard trip with one of those new synthetic drugs that young people like so much today.

Maybe my decision to remember my previous life is because I dedicated my life to a dead area called philosophy, which made me become a human being and made me much more resilient, in a few words, much more human and mature. Any of you see resilient children out there? It's difficult, although perhaps not impossible.

Frequently when one handles philosophical concepts, has the ability to face life with objectivity and stoicism, although some crazy decide to end their existence to consider it empty and I think it is because they failed to make sense of their existence. In the mind is our real being, she is responsible for interpreting everything with our sensory organs and with a slight delay, everything we see is always in the past. Of course, with new bionic implants, our eye can reach speeds of 600 fps, much faster than those reached by a fly. I decided not to have one because I decided to live as humanly as possible, however, this is paradoxical because I will no longer be a human being in a few hours.


At the beginning the process was boring. They told me I had to relax for two hours to make the transition, that is, a simple euphemism to say that they were going to kill me and transfer my consciousness to Soliptium.

-What will happen to my unconscious side? - I asked one of the I.A with humanoid aspect in charge of the transition.

-Your unconsciousness, despite being scattered and fragmented throughout your brain, will be stored and uploaded to the servers. Parties that have a high percentage of violence or chaotic behavior will be hidden.

-Will you erase them? - I asked stunned

-No, they will only remain hidden, in case they can negatively alter the individual - the I.A responded with its monotonous tone

-Are only allowed individuals who don't have violent genes?

-You're wrong, didn't you read the contract? Your mind can be reorganized in spite of your genes if your mind didn't achieve a state of maturity in the time what you've lived, it can't be uploaded to Soliptium. You shouldn't worry, because you far exceeded all psychological and social tests.

I didn't like what I was hearing because it had a fascism smell and I remembered the Eternal return that Nietzsche spoke, I was willing to live my life again as I lived it originally. Without fear of failure.

I hesitated, I meditated, I caviled and I entered the darkest places of my mind. Then I accepted reality. I was afraid of the unknown, I was using my phobia, to reject the journey to a new life. What did it matter if small aspects of me were hidden? On a pragmatic level, that was nothing.

-The transition has begun - said I.A

-Perfect - I said patiently.

-Keep your eyes closed and avoid accelerated thoughts.

In a few moments, I felt how my life was fading when I tried to remember something and instantly my thoughts were diluted. My mother memories disappeared, I didn't remember the face of my past relationships, my friends vanished like cigarette smoke and my name ceased to exist. The sensation was painless on a physical level but traumatizing at a psychological level. In the whole process, I was conscious, I don't know if it was a mistake on the part of the technical team, but it was unpleasant.

A whole life copied and pasted in another extreme in a couple of hours. My body still alive but in the vegetable state was sent to cryogenize in the event that reverse engineering was done powerful enough to rescue it. Although I don't think I will come back to reality, not in a long time.

Soliptium is a gigantic metropolis in a state of anarchy but with a lot of common sense. What was thought to be a chimera in reality, here is totally real. My avatar is exactly the same as I was before, I am happy like that. Of course, there are many people with bizarre avatars and even ophidians. That is part of the comedy of this digital environment, where everyone is what they think they are but in turn they are manipulated by a system that tells them what they have to be. A Brave new world comes true.


I sadly accept this, because I plan to change it, I know about the plans of Sinergy (a network of intelligence commanded by Alexei, a maxi-I.A who feels a strong hatred for the human race) and I take care of them while I do my own. I want to be part of the rebellion, but for that, I must be stoic and immutable in this moment.

I am more human each day despite I don't have a real body, my conscience makes me know. I know I must protect people out of ignorance, they are spending thousands of hours giving their conscience to digital vampires, turning them into automatons of Soliptium. That's over, but now is not the time, I need to contact Yamaguchi, he has the keys to many doors in this city. He's the rebellion leader.

Pictures Sources

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Good story, it made me think about Altered Carbon and The Host, and it also made me shudder at the thought of putting oneself at the mercy of an A.I.that could re-arrange your mind to make it fit the required pattern. What was a spin to me was the rebellion, it made me think that no matter the form the human mind takes, it will always play the same games, seek the same goals, construct the same life.
Hope you make a second installment of this story!

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