Using big words is not about boosting the superiority complex.
A woman friend of mine just showed me a conversation wherein a man accused her of "using big words because it helps her superiority complex".
Gents, if encountering a woman with an avid reader's grasp of our native tongue makes you feel inferior, you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that you're dumber than a pile of bricks.
The good news is this: whether or not to be that level of stupid is within our choosing.
Choose wisely.
Thank the gods that sexual attraction isn't a matter of choice. If it were, the resulting population crash from the Lysistrata writ-large would doom humanity.
I have a hypothesis:
People who read a lot (especially if any of that reading is technical or historical) are accustomed to encountering unfamiliar words on a daily basis. We look up words so often that we accept it as part of the ordinary course of being literate.
If you're not accustomed to looking up words on a regular basis, it must feel in some sense demeaning to encounter words or ideas that one is unfamiliar with. That feeling of being demeaned is exacerbated if the person who is using the word in question ought be your inferior in some way.
I'm not condoning or excusing that behavior, only trying to understand it.