LiteCoin (LTC) $6 Shy of $258 Target

The TREE COUNT for Shorter Term Traders:
On the 14th post, the target for wave 5 was set a $258 and it ended at $252; $6 shy. Elliott Waves states that after five waves, there is a requisite retracement. This can occur in various patterns and counts.
For now, the retracement is labeled as an abc (red). Though, this doesn't necessarily mean that the correction can't morph into a triangle or another of the 36 possibilities. However, monitoring correcions allows one to best identify not in/out trading scalping opps but rather ladder buy entries at suspected and probable correction terminations.
The current correction could be seen as a wedge pattern. This is shown by the white trend lines. Price is quite proximal to the apex...let's see what happens during overnight price action; it would be ideal for the upper white trend line to be breached
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Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
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I'd like to see LTC make one more run. Cash out high and move it into precious metals.
There are news that circulates in the web that the whales were planning to pump the coins and then dump and the btc will drop as much as 4.5k dollars. Im not sure if its true but only time will tell.
I would not be surprised. There have been many accusations that crypto is one giant ponzi scheme.
#BTC continued its decline and is now trading near the $ 9800 mark.
There is a possibility that the cue chart, like all crypto currencies, formed the "bubble blow off" scheme. This has already been two times: a fall from $ 32 to $ 2 in 2011, and a fall from $ 1175 to $ 230 in 2014.
Now 2018 and I'm guessing blowing from $ 20,000 into the $ 4000-5000 zone. Yes, there is a future for bitcoins, but realities at the moment are not the most positive. As they say, everything is cyclical. And now. The market punishes the weak and greedy players.
From a technical point of view, the trend is still downward, the trend line is not broken, and therefore further decline looks very logical.
What are your thoughts on litecoin cash? do you think it will grow in price the same as litecoin?
Will LTC touch $500 with in 2018?
More like 5000 end if year.
Based on what? I am following this cryptos for almost a year. And I am so tired of all comments like yours. Most likely..., I believe,... @hajein predictions are not always correct, but at list he tries to make an analysis and he tires to support his statements. But you and others like you just makes a lot of confusions. More like 5000$ has no credibility. It is exactly the same like I would say 5$ or 50k$.

bitcoine to the Moon and Beyond.great news.
the is the best treading is very good for us.
Yes am very happy because this is the first Good news I got this year.
Looks like another correction is taking place in the crypto land. Hold onto your hat and learn to love hodling...
So do you think litecoin will go up? Some advice or help needed.
Yes it will :) Check my analysis
OK. Thanks :)
Coins mentioned in post:
My mother worked in a daycare that had taken over the wing of an old school and the building is notoriously haunted with the ghost of the school's name-sake and founder, Colonel Walker. The attic of the building was used as storage for the daycare and many people reported small, fairly unobtrusive events while being up there, things like boxes shifting around behind you, drawers opening on the other side of the room where you were, curtains suddenly moving, the feeling of someone else being in the attic with you. But the kids were the most in tune it seems. I know that lots of the kids talked about "the old man" at the daycare (which was staffed entirely by women), and I have definitely seen the kids react by all at once looking to the door as if someone entered the room when no one had. Personally, I always felt as if someone was walking directly behind me whenever I had to go from one end of the hallway to another and sometimes I would hang out in the kitchen waiting for my mom to finish up work for the day while I finished my homework or something, I often felt like someone was there with me (I spent a lot of time there, especially in the summer when school was out, helping around the daycare). The most famous piece of evidence of Colonel Walker's ghost was a picture taken at Halloween of all the kids in their costumes. Right in the back, standing behind the children and looking straight at the camera, is the watery and somewhat blurred face and upper body of an older man. Like, you don't even have to squint or tilt your head to make out that it is there. Now I know that it could have been some bleed from some other photos or something, but I think, given all the other evidence it seems they got the Colonel on camera.
Nice one this time ariund the turn around of crypto inddeed.
God bless you sir for your nice job
When I was 8, my family moved into an old Colonial that was built in 1810. My father still lives there. Until I was 17, every before I feel asleep, I would feel pressure next to me as if someone sat down on the bed next to me. This would always be accompanied with a feeling of increased pressure in the air. Although I knew this probably didn't happen to everyone, I didn't think about it much.
Until I got a cat. He was a present for my twelfth birthday. Each night, he would sack out on the bed near my feet. Each night, he would bolt from a dead sleep and glare at something in the doorway before hightailing it out of there. A few moments later, the pressure would return.
Again, while this was a weird thing to happen, I didn't really question it. Maybe the cat was just neurotic. I didn't talk about this nightly occurrence to anyone. However, I did refer this feeling/presence/what have you as "Charlotte." I don't know why.
So one day in the summer when I was thirteen, an elderly man and his middle-aged daughter pull up to our house and explain that the father lived in the house with his aunt while he was a boy and that he raised his family there for a few years. They had been visiting family in the neighborhood, and they wondered if they could take a tour for old times' sake. My mom said sure. She, my sister and I led them around the house, and they recalled different memories.
Afterward, my mom asked them if they remembered strange occurrences or stories about the house. "Like ghosts?" the old man asked and chuckled. His daughter became very quiet and said firmly, "It's not funny, Dad." The man explained that everyone who slept in one bedroom felt a little unsettled, and his daughter interrupted to say that she always felt as if someone sat on the edge of the bed and she tried to go to sleep. Her father said they used to joke that it was just his aunt looking out for them—his Aunt Charlotte.
This confirmed what I had never admitted to myself. I had a freaking ghost that basically tucked me in at night for the previous five years.
Still, going to bed was never freaky or scary. I just tried to ignore the feeling when it came.
Until one night when I was 16. My parents had been going through a weird patch in their marriage, I was feeling depressed, and in general, it was a weird year. I went to bed; after about 20 minutes the cat took his typical bolting exit from the bed, and I felt the familiar pressure on my side.
Then I felt a hand brush through my hair.
Then I ran straight downstairs to the living room where my mom was dozing. She woke up when I burst in the room, saw my face, and asked what was wrong. I told her I had a nightmare and left it at that.
I spent a week sleeping in the guest room. When I got the nerve to go back to my room, I was nearly asleep when I realized I didn't feel the pressure next to me. I did feel pressure in the air. I rolled on my back and saw the figure of a woman in her 60s, wearing a housedress, her hair pulled back in a bun, with her arms folded. She was looking right at me, very concerned. When I found my voice, she disappeared. I said out loud, "I don't care if you stay, but I can NEVER, EVER, EVER see you again." I never did.
However a few years later, after my parents divorced and my dad moved in his girlfriend and her 4 year old son, I wasn't really surprised when she told me her little boy said a lady named Charlotte told him stories at night.