When Nothing Calls ~ Start Listening
Sometimes I look at my feed or my Medium digest and nothing calls out to me. Nothing tips its hat winking and indicating it wants to be read.
That doesn't mean I won't read anything, but I do tend to see what pulls my attention. My awareness is something I value and don't spend on just anything. Everyone here has the intention of posting something of value... or at least that is the intention of the platform, which is the thing I value most about Steemit.
Everything is going to be of value to someone. We can never really know who those 'ones' will be.
When I taught martial arts (for 13 years) my students were always asking me about the next latest greatest diet fad or exercise program (they came on VHS then) and of course I would need to keep up with all of that to be able to answer their questions. They used to tell me that each fad or 'thingie' would have had to work for someone or it wouldn't be on the market. I'm not sure I agree, but that answer didn't go over so well.
Then I began to suggest that my students try what I do. See how it feels. If something looks ridiculous it probably is. If something resonates it might work for you. Now, resonance is about a lot of things, our programs and patterns included, but why limit ourselves by those things? Why let our conditioning define our choices? See how things feel instead of how you were taught to respond to them.
There is a well-known saying that the words SILENT and LISTEN contain the same letters. Interesting in this context. Am I scanning the feeds to see what to upvote and comment upon? Sure. But what else is happening? If I quiet those habits something real emerges.
When I have a day when nothing calls to me I now know that it is the Infinite, the still quiet place within that wants my attention. Or, that inward is the first place I should look. Something else is wanting besides throughput, as much as I might value input coming through others.
If something doesn't twinkle at your attention or provoke curiosity in a positive way, or just plain make you start to feel good by looking at the title and/or image, then why invest your energy there?
When nothing calls me I find it's time to listen instead. It is a way of hitting the reset button so that when something does call or inspire or provoke curiosity I have the resources to bring to bear on what mattears.
A few thoughts for an exhausted day. I hope yours is resource-resonating!