Very nice to see teh detailed explanation about the views that are being seen by Linkseven77 . Yes without passionate people it sure would be hard enough to go ahead and make a difference in both life and inhere.
Please note that all these members who're with less than 300 SP will be given time until 1st March to Earn/Purchase to match the new 300 SP requirement
While this one was indeed very much appreciated and will give the new users to hustle and get the desired 300 sp and get back in track ASAP.
Very much excited and driven by the effort of making a difference by our DtubeFamily777 . Twitter initiative have been going and allowing users to get a different zone for showing/sharing the creativity with other people outside of Steem Blockchain.
Looking forward to the coming days very much positively.
The more people we have with our Blockchain the more and more investors will invest in STEEM based dApps
Someone is having more SP will show us they believe in our Blockchain
If we can collectively increase the #STEEM Twitter HUSTLE , the price of #STEEM will increase along with it!
I appreciate your Twitter Hustles for #STEEM and keep up the good hustle