Linda Sarsour is Fusuq by Enabling Sexual Assault Of Female Employee - "muslim" woman support rape by "muslim" man on other muslim girls
Linda Sarsour, has been accused of enabling the alleged sexual assault and harassment of a woman who worked for the feminist activist, according to the victim and two sources directly familiar with the matter.
The problems began in early 2009 when a man named Majed Seif, who lived in the same building where the Arab American Association offices are located, allegedly began stalking Fathelbab.
“He would sneak up on me during times when no one was around, he would touch me, you could hear me scream at the top of my lungs,” Asmi Fathelbab tells TheDC. “He would pin me against the wall and rub his crotch on me.”
Asmi claims one of Majed’s alleged favorite past times was sneaking up on her with a full erection.
Fathelbab says she went to leadership at the organization to report the sexual assault. She alleges she was dismissed by Sarsour outright. “She called me a liar because ‘Something like this didn’t happen to women who looked like me,'” Asmi says. “How dare I interrupt her TV news interview in the other room with my ‘lies.'”
“She told me he had the right to sue me for false claims,” Asmi recalls, adding that the assaulter allegedly “had the right to be anywhere in the building he wanted.”
“Jaber told me my stalker was a ‘God-fearing man’ who was ‘always at the Mosque,’ so he wouldn’t do something like that,” Fathelbab claims. “He wanted to make it loud and clear this guy was a good Muslim and I was a bad Muslim for “complaining.”
Another domestic terrorist ! what a surprise !!! what I find the most odious is the last quote... because the man was going to the mosque.... what a total kuffar this linda sarsour... maybe it is a genetic trait of the so called palestinian...
may I quote :
I can't find the quote I am looking for,
but in short it is : to be wary of the fake muslims who will go to the mosque while being pillager, rapists or terrorists :), or more commonly known under the term : wolves in sheep clothing or better reformulated the clothes don't make the monk.
a few still...
Whoso, having committed a khati’ah or an ithm, throws it upon the innocent, has burdened himself with calumny and an obvious sin (ithm).
— Quran 4:112[4]
"And [there are] those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a station for whoever had warred against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will surely swear, "We intended only the best." And Allah testifies that indeed they are liars."
"If Allah puts anyone in the position of authority over the Muslims’ affairs and he secludes himself (from them), not fulfilling their needs, wants, and poverty, Allah will keep Himself away from him, not fulfilling his need, want, and poverty."
that's quite nice... but not enough for now. So what do to with her, and to use a famous russian saying : how to terminate the situation.
- execution ! fastest, simplest, less funny.
- welcome to Gitmo !!! logistic, cost...
- deportation to somalia !!! welcome linda !!! there you will enjoy shareeha!!! for me it is the funniest option... she could even have a short live tv show filmed from drone... until it end with G rating.
“ … Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but in-wardly are ravenous wolves.” Mathew 7:15
there are so many problems with today muslims... most are fake ! just bent on enslaving, raping, murdering, stealing and exploit other people money given to them by thieving states...
Abu Hurairah said,
An Arab of the desert stood up and began urinating in the mosque. People were about to take hold of him but the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said to them:
"Leave him alone and throw a bucket of water over his urine, for you have been raised to deal with people gently and you have not been raised to deal with them harshly." 17 (B. 4 : 58.
Ultimately it is weakness and stupidity. the unabililty to say NO ! no to the ruler, no to the imam, no to the rapists, no to linda sarsour... frankly it is so easy with the full backing of the 2nd amendment and the advance of rifles technologies...
and those pathetic dumb fuck who pretend that a mosque on the israelis jewish temple mount in jerusalem is a deity...
this is the end.
doesn't change the fact that this b"tsh should get at least in jail !!! that would furthermore give a good way to those who helped weinstein, clinton and the little gangs of "time magazine heroes"...