About Effective Guidance and Influence at the highest Level | Merlin Vlog 13

in #lightworker7 years ago

Prescients come together for the New Cosmic phase of Hue-manity.

Stepchildren are embraced into the Galactic family.

Miseries end.

Celebrations begin.

The Light has won.

Aha! Manuel, do you know what your thoughts did last week?!

They became the things and events of this week. The things you thought would be difficult became difficult; easy became easy; boring became boring; and fun became fun. Where you thought there might be surprises, you were surprised. And where you thought there might be land mines, there were land mines.

Bravo! You can add this week to the list of your most creative accomplishments.

Now, can you guess what your thoughts this week are going to do?

You are awesome,
The Universe

“How do we guide you? In order to understand that fine process, ask yourself, what is the most effective way for you to inspire and guide others to new spiritual realizations?

“First of all, they have to be open to receive your input, as a closed mind and a closed heart are not receptive. Indeed, both these inner receptors have to be turned on, as our guidance is not just meant to be mental and intellectual. Your mind may be the first at detecting our input, yet such an input is meant to be filtered and integrated into your heart. Once your heart has been moved, it will happily team up with your mind to enhance the quality of your life and of your interactions with others.

“Secondly, an inquisitive mind is the much-needed fertile soil that will benefit from our input. You are on a journey, which infers that your life’s horizons are ever-changing, taking you to previously unknown territories. At each one of these milestones, you ask yourself “where do I go on from here?” This is when you need to consult with us. The very fact that we have volunteered to belong to your Guidance Team implies that we are equipped to successfully assist you, based on our accumulated personal experience.

“We are a team — a rich pool of wisdom and knowledge. As a team, the power of many comes into play. As your Teaching Faculty, we come together to evaluate your progress and accordingly define your curriculum, based on our overall expertise and the love we feel for our human pupils.

“Jesus, a Divine Son, lived a human life in the flesh. This brings us to the third point of our message. He had to face many situations where His message was not well received. How did He address them? How did He coach His disciples to respond to similar resistance in their own future ministry?

“His behavior — not His words — became the messenger. Never did He lose His dignity. Never did He lower Himself to the level of His detractors by responding in kind, thus polluting the purity of His heart by harboring festering grudges and resentments. Rather, He forgave them on the spot, with the fatherly understanding that they did not know any better. Then, after shaking the dust of His feet, He moved on, searching for those who were ready to receive.

“Dear ones, do become such skilled character readers and invest your energies where they will get the highest return. Trust in the snowball effect. What matters is that you are willing yourself to be a divine instrument of change. The Father will tell you what sort of instrument you are and He is the one Who will put you to good use.”

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we shall like to add to the topic of Thought Adjuster inter-communication and how you students on the path may use it to help improve the lives of others on Urantia. Since it has been revealed to you that about one quarter of the Father Fragments on Urantia are of the advanced or supreme type, we can simply do the math and find that there are about 1.8 billion humans living on the planet with these more experienced types. However, it would seem that with a number so large, we should be seeing a greater influence in social policies and in the quality of your law makers to make changes that reflect a population that is increasingly more aware of social injustice and those wanting to make the world a better place for their grandchildren. This is not so, yet, but this shall certainly become a reality on your world as it enters Light and Life.

“What we have now is an imbalance in governments made up of humans with little ‘inner guidance,’ but rather an abundance of ‘external guidance.’ Of a population having one quarter of the advance and supreme types of Adjusters, only about 12 percent, on average, of the humans in governing positions have these more experienced types of Thought Adjusters and this figure dips even lower in some countries where you find higher rates of corruption. It is a sobering statistic for sure and something that needs to change if your planet is to make any real (peaceful) progress.

“Currently, the median age of the more experiential types of Thought Adjusters on Urantia is about 28 years and of those born in the last twenty years, about 38 percent have these types of Adjusters. Moreover, of those children born in the year 2017, about 72 percent will have the more experienced types — and so it would seem that the future is truly in the hands of the younger generations.

“What we see is a tremendous amount of potential coming of age in the next 20 to 30 years, but in order to maximize this potential, we need those with influence now to pave the way for these ‘inner guided’ politicians of the future. What can you do to help? You have a mind that is connected to the Universal Mind and you have a Divine Fragment of the Creator living in your mind that is your Spiritual Operator. Use this powerful resource to connect with the minds of the lesser guided and ask your Thought Adjuster (TA) to communicate the experiential ethos and ethics that are missing from the hearts and minds of those in power. This TA led intercommunication has a greater impact on human behavior than those who complain and ‘mud-sling’ on social media. This is ‘energetic’ influence at the highest level (TA) and is more powerful than you can imagine.

“The Luciferian and satanic groups on your world, now and in ages past, have known about the power of energetic influence and they have wielded it to their advantage for centuries in the halls of government. Their influence is now coming to an end on Urantia and we are in need of those who ‘wield the light’ to step up and use the power of love, goodness, and righteousness to inundate the minds of those in power to seek for the Will of the Universal Father (inner guidance) in their political decisions.

“My dear friends, what we are intimating is prayer with surgical precision. Not only to pray for those in power, but to connect energetically — mind to mind — and to consciously and super-consciously co-direct your TA influence to those in political power. You, your TA, your mind, and your vote can make a difference in the future of social policies that are more aligned with a world entering Light and Life.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

Receiver’s note: It was communicated to me that those who wish to engage in this type of energetic work would be unbiased in their intentions and aligned with the highest ideals of progress — growth, equality, and for an improvement in the lives of all peoples. Energetic influence creates ‘ripples’ and those who engage in this work are responsible for their influence.


Nice one, @defango. I like the message. If people truly grocked how our thoughts and energy create reality (the standing wave oscillation we choose or consent to decode into our experienced existence) and reinforce our own subjugation through perception deception, we could really dematerialize the luciferians and cocreate paradise. Resteemed!

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