Welcome to Lightsteem code golf series #2
Workflow/Requirements of the evil script
- Get followers
- Exclude inactive followers (Last bandwidth update)
- Exclude followers using a proxy for voting
- Exclude followers already voting for you
- Exclude followers already actively voting for 30 witnesses
- Bundle 100 operations into one transaction to keep the network effect limited.
import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from lightsteem.client import Client
from lightsteem.datastructures import Operation
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WITNESS_ACCOUNT = "emrebeyler"
MEMO_TEMPLATE = "Hey {username}, I have been running a STEEM witness in the last" \
" six months. Since you already follow me and have free slots on " \
"your witness voting, please consider casting a witness vote for" \
" me. (@{witness_account}). Here you can directly cast a vote: https://steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=emrebeyler&approve=1"
USERLIST_FILE = "/users/emre/memo-sent.txt"
ACTIVE_KEY = "<active_key>"
def chunks(l, n):
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def add_to_list(username):
with open(USERLIST_FILE, 'a+') as f:
f.write("%s\n" % username)
def already_sent(username):
with open(USERLIST_FILE, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if username in line:
return True
return False
def main():
c = Client(keys=[ACTIVE_KEY,])
account = c.account(WITNESS_ACCOUNT)
followers = account.followers()
print(f"{len(followers)} follower found.")
suitable_followers = []
account_details_of_followers = c.get_accounts(followers)
for follower_data in account_details_of_followers:
follower = follower_data["name"]
# check the follower is not dead
last_bandwidth_update = parse(follower_data["last_bandwidth_update"])
if (datetime.utcnow() - last_bandwidth_update).total_seconds() > 86400 * 30:
logger.debug(f"{follower} account looks like dead. Skipping.")
# check the follower is full on their votes.
witness_votes = follower_data["witness_votes"]
if len(witness_votes) == 30:
logger.debug(f"{follower} is full. Skipping.")
# check the follower has a proxy?
if follower_data["proxy"]:
logger.debug(f"{follower} has a proxy. Skipping.")
# check the follower is already voting for me
if WITNESS_ACCOUNT in witness_votes:
f"{follower} is already voting for {WITNESS_ACCOUNT}. Skipping.")
# handle memos
print(f"{len(suitable_followers)} found.")
for follower_username_list in chunks(suitable_followers, 100):
ops = []
for follower_username in follower_username_list:
memo = MEMO_TEMPLATE.format(
if already_sent(follower_username):
logger.info(f"{follower_username} already got a memo. Skipping")
Operation('transfer', {
'to': follower_username,
'amount': '0.001 SBD',
'memo': memo
if len(ops):
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am very new to this and I have tried everything that I'm capable of but I cannot find this place you want me to vote at
So if you are capable of sending some kind of link that I can click on I will be more than glad to support
My apologies for my inability
But i have search all over since you ask and I can't find place to vote
Thanks for your kindness
Posted using Partiko Android
Sure, you can use this link or go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and find my name, and vote from there. :)
I guess I'm just to old to figure this out
Maybe my son can help me latter.
I'm on a phone app through particle
So the way you send it to me I can't click on it and I don't know where to search for it
The if I go to the pc and get on steem I can't find this message
I am fast learner
But too dumb to do so now
I will figure out some how
Posted using Partiko Android
No worries :)
I think I made vote for you
Let me know
Posted using Partiko Android
Abi simdi burada yeniyim nasıl şeyler yapmalıyım.para kazan neye göre kazanılıyor.sistemin mantığını biraz açıklarmısın
çokca türkçe kaynak var konu ile ilgili, google araması ile erişebilirsiniz.