The BeginningsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lightlast year (edited)

In the beginning there was Darkness
But the Darkness didn’t know itself
Because the Darkness couldn’t see itself.


So with Courage the Darkness opened its eyes and cast itself into the Light


Knowledge and understanding flooded into the Darkness and thus it beheld and became bearer of the Light


The Darkness was both fascinated by its beauty and terrified by its power

And the Knowledge that the Light revealed about itself was too horrifying to face.


With this newfound Knowledge and in Pride Splendor and Strength, the Darkness went too and fro within the Light

Screaming and accusing in anger, “Look at you all puffed up with yourself! You are no better than me!”


And the Light in Self-Confidence and Pride echoed Angrily, “Yes, I AM!”


And for a while they fought and argued. Neither one could come to terms.


Finally, screaming at the top of its lungs the Darkness said “No you aren’t any better! How can you even see yourself clearly in all this blinding light?!”


So with Courage, determined to be Victorious in the argument the Light said, “We shall see”
And with Neutrality and Willingness the Light closed its eyes and cast itself into the Darkness


Suddenly within the void the Light heard a child wailing in pain and torment


Fumbling around the Light found the child and Accepted it into in its arms

“What ever are you doing in here all alone you poor thing? This isn’t you!” Reasoned the Light


“It hurts so much! Yes it is!” Wailed the child with its eyes shut tight.

In that instant the Light’s heart shattered
With a Loving embrace the Light hugged even tighter.

“Don’t worry, I’m here now. You are safe. It is ok to open your eyes now.” the Light said.


“Are you sure?” whimpered the child.

In Mercy and Wisdom the Light said, “Yes, I AM.”

“Ok” the child sniffled.

So with Courage in the warm embrace of the Light the child in the darkness opened its eyes.


Suddenly Light from the child’s eyes pierced the darkness.

With overwhelming Joy the child gasped,”Oh my God!”

The Light hugging the child with its eyes still closed said, “Yes my child, it is ok. I am here now. Everything is going to be ok.”

In wonder and at Peace now, the child sighed “I never knew”


Crying now the Light said, “I am so sorry my child. You were right.”

Returning the Light’s embrace the child said, “It’s ok, I know. I’m sorry too because you were right as well.”


In fear, the child asked the Light, “Will you please not open your eyes and look at me again until I grow up a little and understand myself better?”

“I won’t” said the Light. “As long as you keep you eyes open in the mean time.”

“Agreed” smiled the child.


For a moment more they enjoyed each other’s warm embrace, until a howl pierced the darkness in the distance.

“What is that?” exclaimed the child.

“It sounds like another lost child.” said the Light


“Oh no!” said the child, “We have to help it.”

“I agree” said the Light, “But you will have to help me because I am blind.”

“It’s ok” said the child, “I’ll hold on tight to your hand and never let go.”


“Thank you so much my child. Shall we explore?” said the Light

“Definitely” said the child with excitement, “But what do we do when we find it?”

“Don’t worry little one.” said the Light. “I’ll tell you exactly what to say.”


And so the Light bore the darkness and off they went together into the void looking for more lost children.

And when the little child found the next lost child it already knew exactly what to say.

“Here, let me help. I’ll close my eyes so you can open yours.”




Light reveals what is hiding in the darkness
And Love is blind to it.

How many souls have you ever won over by standing over them, looking down and demonizing them?

Often the demons we think we see
Are only our own being reflected back at us

Your perception of me
Is just a reflection of you

My perception of you
Is just a reflection of me

Our perception of each other
Is just a reflection of a reflection

Bouncing back and forth within reality


What happens when those mirrors get so close to each other they touch?
Overwhelming darkness?
Overwhelming light?
What’s the difference?

What happens when those mirrors slowly back away within a continuum?
They get smaller and smaller
Until they can’t see each other anymore
And they realize they are standing back to back
All they see then is the beautiful world in which they both live.

Ecclesiastes 4:12
Light Dark Balance
The triple braided cord

What meaning does time have in eternity?
The only time that exists is now.
Now is always the right time.
Because now is the only time.

2 Peter 3:8

The only judgment you will ever receive
Is your own

2 Peter 3:9
Matthew 7:1-2

We tend to bring into the world
What we fear
Fear God? Fear yourself? Fear others?

Proverbs 1:7

We tend to bring into ourself
What we Love
Love God? Love Yourself? Love Others?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

When love and fear merge, reverence is born.
What do you revere?

What if we all learned to turn judgment inward?
What if we lived like every day was Judgement Day?
What if every day were our spiritual birthday?

1:Corinthians 13:13


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