Dreams of Excellent Health Part II

in #lifestyle7 years ago

I hope you all enjoyed my last post regarding CBD and mine and my wife's results with the health issues we have been diagnosed with. One phrase you will never hear from me is "My diabetes," or other health issue. I do not and will not own anything I have not purchased regarding negative health issues or otherwise. To do that is to give power to those negative issues we have been diagnosed or told we have. Everything can be overcome as long as you stay away from the death monger pharmaceutical companies. You may not understand my negativity for pharmaceuticals, however, when you see advertising for pharmaceuticals and half of the advertisement is side effects, which in most cases includes death, how can we be so blind to think we are one of the immune one's from the side effects. It's a crap shoot!

Now I want to tell you about another experience regarding CBD Oil. I am totally sold on the supplement because of the results my wife and I have received. However, a learning lesson for me was that when you enroll in a trial where a particular company is offering you a trial and you only have to pay for the shipping, be real aware of all of the statements appearing after every required box you need to check. Part of the trial is to make sure the individual ordering is over 18 and that you agree with all of the policies and conditions including being enrolled into an auto-ship program where you will be billed monthly full charge for the items you used on your trial and they will be shipped to you monthly. The charges are ridiculous and in my opinion,I can find a better deal somewhere else and I can order as I need and not be enrolled into an auto-ship program. I will accept responsibility for not reading the entire statement and that is on me. If however you choose to get off the auto-ship program with no further billing, you need to contact the company before 14 days, otherwise, after 14 days, you can cancel your account, but you will be billed the full amount with no credit to your account.

Now for more positive news! There are many companies I have found in my research that along with their products, will also provide 3rd party lab results to confirm the percentages of compounds in the oil. These are the companies you want to purchase from. They also offer money back guarantees if you are not satisfied with the product. Those are the companies you want to support to help you with any issues you are looking to overcome.

On another note, I read an article written by a doctor who is a strong proponent and researcher for CBD and something he mentioned was a correction to one of the statements I mentioned in my last post. The statement was that CBD is not psychoactive, which is not true. CBD IS psychoactive, HOWEVER, it does not have the same effect on our brains that THC does. CBD has a psychoactive effect from the standpoint of feeling better, a certain peace of mind as if coming out of the clouds. After having experiencing the effects of THC and CBD, I can confirm the difference from a feeling of peace or well being versus a feeling of total relaxation, almost sedated to a certain standpoint. I have also experienced "The Munchies", "Cottonmouth" (drying of the mouth). Personally, I like both experiences, THC has it's benefits as well as CBD having it's benefits.

My intention again is to inform as well as to be informed. As I said, I welcome all points of view and welcome correction and information as we are all on this journey together. Together we are stronger and we have been created for community. Thanks again for your time and if you would like access to some of the companies I have found that are reputable and provide an excellent product and customer service, please leave me a comment asking for links and I will be more than happy to provide those to you. I will let you all know that the companies I support are in the United States of America and I cannot say they ship outside of the country, however, always check with the companies for updated information.

Passionate about Your Dreams, Stay Strong, Press On and Charge the Hill!



Hi Jeff, your about section led me to read your post and I am glad I followed my heart! Thank you for your useful sharing! All the best, Jean

You are absolutely welcome! I am blessed by your comments and even more so to find out the thoughts from my heart are leading others to experience the joy they have lived first hand. Stay Strong, press On and Charge the Hill, and as always, Passionate about your Dreams!

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