5 best ways to have a good life ( a really good one)

in #lifestyle6 years ago (edited)

having a good life.jpg

We have a lot of opportunities in front of us, every day, but it's not easy to see it and to take action.
Everybody know that, right?

There is 5 rules that you should use in order to have the life that you desserve.

  1. Take action

It's certainly the first point in the road of happy life. Take action. You don't have to think too much before taking a decision or before doing something. Just do it. When you start to do something, everything will happen. For the first time, you will be inside your project, inside your life and not outside. You want to open a company? Don't bother you anymore with too much question. Just do it and think after about the theory and all others things around it. Don't be lazy with your life. As you know, we have only one, and a short one.

  1. Always consider the positive aspect.

I think it's the best rule ever to follow in this life. For everything, for everybody. It's essential and only this rule can change your life. Don't say that your are not lucky, because you are. I am talking about it and believe me, even for me, it's not easy everyday. I try everyday to follow this rule. When a bad thing happen to me, I always try to see the positive aspect of this bad thing. And you know what? There is always a positive aspect. Always!

  1. Be self-aware
    Enough to know when something is right for you.
    Base your decisions on internal rather external markers — intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation. (And most of our markers — like money, looks, etc. — are external. So this takes some rework to actually figure out what we want.)
    You have to be able to discern when something is right. You have to be ready to step up to bat for your life right now — not later, when it’s convenient or ideal. You have to take opportunities as they arise, not some “someday” timeframe, and you have to trust yourself enough so that you can go with them.

  2. Be empathic, help other people

Yes, when you help people, in one way, you help yourself. More you will be able to help people, more you will be able to help yourself. You have to understand the same problem in the other person. Sometimes it's more easy to understand one other people than ourself. Like this, you can understand many thing juts thanks to projection. Think about it.

  1. Know yourself- better and better
    During our life, we evolve and we change, for sure, but there is somewhere your ego that doesn't be affected by your personality. Try to know you as much as possible. Discover the deep part of you. What you want? Who you are and what you want to do in this life. If you haven't the full answer for now, it will happen. But, keep in mind, that you have to ask yourself. Don't be a stranger to yourself. More you know you, more you can control your action and your thought.

  2. Be strong.
    Ah, this one is easy to say, right? Yes, indeed, not so easy to accomplish, everyday. But, be stronger and stronger everyday day. Find your fear and fight against them. You have a project but you have to much fears about it? Fight against you! Take control on the situation and push yourself. Be violent with yourself (sometimes).

If you follow this simple 5 rules, your life will change immediately. The people who have a good life have followed this rules, for sure. You have a passion? So, continue until you attain your goal.
Everyone is lucky, there a lot of opportunities and don't wait to see them : create opportunity for you!



Maybe you can teach me how to make money, as many other people, here on steemit :)

Yes, you want to know how we can earn money on steemit? or anywhere else?

first on steemit.

Good! Do you have a life coach​?

I am a life coach lol ;)

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