First Day of School

in #lifestyle5 years ago (edited)


Today I started my studies to become a proper photographer. I was so nervous and excited that I couldn’t sleep much last night and got up after 5am, our school day starting at 10am.

Going to school is a huge change for me because I’ve lived a very free life for the past two years; no schedule and not much human contact aside from the grocery store clerk. Now I will have to wake up at a set time, drag my ass to school, sit still and be around people for an extented period of time. The human part is by far the hardest one for me, they suck the life right out of me.

I had a nice day at school and it was far less intimidating than I thought, but after I got home, I was beat, a major headache and super tired. I took a 3 hour evening nap, which is not at all smart because it would be nice to get some sleep during the night too so I don’t pass out during tomorrows school day. The first days are always so exciting and exchausting at the same time because you are in a new place with new people, brain is on overdrive even when you don’t really do much.

I suspect we won’t even touch our cameras this week but that’s alright, we’ll be doing plenty of that later on. We first have to deal with all the administorial stuff, getting to know the school, our classmates and talking about the structure of our studies.

I think I won’t be too active on here for a few days as I get settled into school but after I get started, I will have a lot of material to post, both related to school work and my regular stuff. No need to worry about me abandoning steemit for something like school.


I’m still in bed but now I have to get up to feed myself, and select a few photos to show the whole class tomorrow. Why am I more nervous about showing a class of ten people and a teacher my photos, than blasting them multible times a day to this corner of internet to see?


Great news! I loved such new starts!
I wish you the best for your education and a lot of arsty finds ღ

It’s been a few years since I changed my life drastically so I’m pretty excited :)

Hey Eve, I'm looking forward to reading about it and seeing your photography, where school takes it.

I need a place to rant, which always happens when humans are involved so you’ll be hearing a lot about my school stuff 😂

Oh goody! Eve-rants Bring it. 😂

I can’t bring anyone into this platform so I can talk shit 😂

Take your time to relax, so you dont get overwhelmed :D
I know your feeling, I started life coaching school late January and it was the hardest thing I have done the past 2 years even tho I have been working. So mentally challenging (my adhd is not helping) but also immensely exciting and rewarding.
The only thing I cant relate to is the human thing xD

There are two kinds of people; those who get energy from being with people, and those who are drained by it.


I hope school is both fun and rewarding, good luck!

Because they are right there in your space! Haha. Which might give them more manners than internet trolls behind a screen.

Love that coat!

Or am I in their space 🤯

I wish you'll learn a lot! And I hope you'll show us your progress as a photographer!!! Good luck with the human contact he he. good night Eve!

All the best with the studies I hope it brings you plenty of joy honing your craft! Don’t mind all the humans they’ll soon be dead from eating all the micro plastics and cellphone radiation

Best of luck luck with this new endeavor you're starting.

Greetings from Mexico.

Aww I was just looking at my pictures from Mexico from 2018 ☺️

We will be waiting here anxiously for your daily / weekly / monthly (oh god, not that long) report about school and stuff, and demanding new photos. Actually forget that monthly and daily, one is too little and the other one, I don't want to push you too hard. Especially as it still is the first days of school. How exiting! :)

It’s day three and today we actually pick up our cameras so there is still some way to go before I have anything to show 😂

In the mean time I think we can wait and be satisfied with just a daily what you are wearing photo. It's that coat again!

Hitsi, jos (kun) mä joskus eksyn sinnepäin niin saat viiä mua hyville kirppiksille. Jos siellä on sellaisia. :D Tai huonotkin käy. Kun eihän siitä ikinä voi tietää mistä tavarasta kukakin tykkää.

Paitsi täällä Tampereella on yksi todella huono kirppis mistä varmaan kaikki on samaa mieltä että se on ihan kökkö. Sen omistaja varmaan omistaa sen kerrostalo-osakkeen joten eio paineita maksella vuokraa tai myydä mitään. Ja tykkää hamstrata. Joskus pari-kolme vuotta sitten kun kävin siellä viimeksi niin näin sen pahimmassa tilassa mitä se ikinä on ollut, siellä oli vain todella kapeita käytäviä tavara (romu) röykkiöiden keskellä. Just sellainen kun hamstraajat tv-sarjassa on ne kämpät. Miinus kuolleet eläimet. Tai noh, en mee vannomaan.

Hintoja sen omissa tavaroissa ei ollut, suurin osa oli sen kamaa eli vuokrapöytiä oli vain muutama, ja kun kysyi jotain hintaa niin ei ollut myytävänä tai ei ollut päättänyt vielä mitä maksaa. Kun kävi seuraavan kerran niin se sama tavara oli edelleen siellä, paksumpi pölykerros vaan päällä. Nykyisin se on auki vain jos soittaa etukäteen. Ja ikkunasta näkee että ne samat kamat, plus uuden vuosikymmenen tuomat romut, on siellä vielä. Sieltä vois tehdä kiinnostavia arkeologisia kaivauksia. Jos ilkeis kaivaa. Tai jos edes pääsis sisälle.

Tän kylän kirppikset ei kyllä tunnetusti oo mitenkään kovin kummosia, sillon tällön Uffilta tulee tehtyä löytöjä. Keskustan kirppis on nykyään siisti ja tilava, mutta lähinnä se on sitä samaa Hm:n lumppua mitä kirppareilla useimmiten onkin. Täällä ei oo yhtään semmosta kunnon mummokirppistä mistä löytäis aarteita.

Kuulostaapa kyllä aika mielenkiintoselta keissiltä tuo sun kuvailema, mikähän on motivaatio tommosen "kirppiksen" pitämiseen. Kenties lapset pakottanu pistämään kirppiksen pystyyn että pääsis eroon roinasta?

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