Meditation – Practice
My Daily Routine consists of but comprises these 4 action items. This must be followed without fail every day:
Silent Breathing Meditation:
Practice 15 minutes of silent breathing mediation twice daily. In the morning as soon as you wake up and before you commence your activities, and at night before bed time:
Breath in and out slowly 10 times. Then sit quietly and breath normally. Focus on your breath and feel how your body and mind are responding. Let your mind wander as it will, gently guide it back to your breath and enjoy the peace and calm you will create in your mind over time.
Positive Thought:
Allow only positive thoughts into your mind. As soon as you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, oppose that negative thought with a pleasant, positive one. Use “Opposition Thinking” to keep your mind focusing on positives no matter what. We must ban negative thoughts at all times.
Positive Mindset and Affirmations:
Set out every day with the promise to yourself to keep a positive mindset all day, every day. Repeat positive affirmations or mantras to yourself multiple times a day to stay focused on your desires and goals. Think about what you want to achieve and tell yourself that nothing will stop you from achieving your goals and desires. Figure out who and what you want to be in life and what you wish from life and tell this to yourself every day. Ask for it and it will come along. The Law of Attraction they say is very powerful. You will get what you ask for if you focus your mind on this outcome positively every day.
Reflection – Visualization:
Spend at least 10 minutes a day reflecting on where you are and where you want to be and how you are doing. Remind yourself of where you are going and how you will do this. Imagine being there and remind yourself you are getting there step by step every day, do not criticize yourself. Praise yourself for how well you are doing. Visualize and create your future image of yourself and embrace who you are today and be thankful for the positive goals you are achieving every day. Visualization, placing clear images of what your desire in your mind is an extremely powerful technique and can be used on all areas of life. Make sure you write down all your goals and desires and outline in some detail what you will do daily to reach them. Make yourself a manageable and realistic plan and do not set daily, weekly or monthly expectations too high. We do not want to create our own traps and therefore “Expectation Hangovers” (book by Christine Hassler).
Recommended Reading:
The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari, by Robin S.Sharma
The Power of Now, by Eckhhart Tolle
The Law of Attraction, Ask and it is Given, by Esher and Jerry Hicks
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
Full Catastrophe Living, by Jon Kabat Zin
That's great, consistency on this will lead to a positive life. Keep it up and sincerely it's very helpful