Why losing your Mobile Phone and Laptop can Financially Kill you

in #lifestyle7 years ago (edited)

We are so addicted to technology especially computers and mobile phones that most of us cherish and spend more time with their mobile phone and laptop than with their family members or friends. 

As I was returning home from a business meeting yesterday, I noticed that I forgot my mobile phone and have to drive hours back to search for it. As I reached the location, (sweating and panting like a paranoid bear)  , I ran to the office in search of it. Luckily I found it and was relieved as if I found a lost child-we can call this Nomophobia—Fear of Being without a Mobile Phone  however this is more than Nomophobia  because for most of us some extreme factors are at stake:

Pic source

  • Connections: fear of losing all your contacts: business, causal and personal friends. Almost all of our contacts are stored in our phone which can be dangerous. Therefore, we should consider the old fashioned way ie using paper diary as a backup in order to be on the safe side.
  • Financial: we use our mobile phone to access our online bank details – which means that we cannot do any transactions online if we lose it. The solution, however, is to report the loss to our banks in order for them to secure and update the information before getting a new device and updating your informations.
  • Login access: In order to be on the safe side and not lose your money, it is advised to activate 2FA on your Poloniex, bittrex , coinbase (etc) however this can lead to distress if you lose your phone. In fact, 2FA (google authenticator) and login keys are mostly stored on our devise which can be extremely stressful if we lose the device. Most worryingly is losing your steem or bitcoin wallet  login details due to loss or crash of your laptop (this cannot be recovered and will lead to loss of your whole money). Therefore, it is recommended to back up your login details in a safe offline place ( however there are some weird cases example, I lost my access to my open ledger  account because my normal login password was no longer recognized-even though I never changed it and their staffs were unhelpful).

Furthermore, always store the secure key to your 2FA In order to be on the safe side because you can always lose your phone. 

Summary of my points:

• know how to properly restore your back up on a new device.

• To be on the safe side, always use two-factor authentication, even if they are confusing to you

• Always secure the secret key for your 2FA in order to reconfigure it back without much stress.

• Your technological devices have become part of you, learn how to use it without compromising other important things like family, free time and friend.

• Losing your login keys to your steem or bitcoin wallet account can lead to financial ruin if all your savings are there-therefore get an offline wallet and or device to safely store your login keys). 

What do you think? Any experience with such issues? Send in your comments and please would you up vote my post in order to send in your support, click follow in order to see future posts from me on your feed and resteem in order to share this post with your followers. 

See my former post:   Warning!!! How Social Media Is Spreading Fake News  

For those who want to be an investor in Bitcoin wallet see X coins link: https://xcoins.io/investors?r=v93e2z   


Great post @charles1 ! I dread the thought of ever losing or having my phone / tablet / or Steemit Chromebook stolen !! OMG THE HORROR !!! but I do try to keep the passwords safe . But I can just imagine the hassle to change all that information , I mean not to mention my Calendar that has all my payment dates for years ahead stored on my Chromebook along with birthdays / work schedule etc . ! I would totally be lost then start panicking and not even know what day it is LOL! Thanks for sharing my friend ! Upped and resteemed !👍👍👍😂😂😂

Thanks for your commntand support my dear one. I do understand the fear of loosing such crucial info. Even forgeting your phone is scary isnt it?

I always keep my cell phone in my purse or my front shirt pocket at work , and I never set down anywhere except at home ! I have not lost my purse in many years now , knock on wood since before cell phones were invented LOL! I better keep my fingers crossed , just talking about it isn't good ! LOL! 😂👍

Good point however emergency can make a nice lady like you forget your purse and boom panic isnit it? steem login key is the serious one if it get lost...good to have a safe backup isnit it?😂👍

Yes for sure ! 👍👍👍

I never keep any financial information on a device that I am going to take outside because it can be lost and its better to be safe than sorry!

Good point but if you active your 2FA it is then in your phone isnt it?

same here @fury123 .. no financial on phone :) 🐝

Well, but you can store your data on the cloud - google account will store all your contacts, calendar and notes. I do this. And it is easy for me to get all my data on my new device in 15 minutes.

which cloud ? through your phone provider or google? who has access to your info?

another good point is to check how safe the cloud password is ...is it good to keep your steem and bicoin wallet login details there?

Contacts , calendar data and notes I store in Google account. Passwords, photos , pics with qr codes on the Dropbox. Actually you can use Google disk for the same purpose.And you can deactivate your phone distantly if you lost it. For me phone is not a storage , but the " mirror" to access my personal data.

Good point however how safe is the cloud? what if your password is compromised?

You can create your rule. E.g change 3rd letter for A. If your stored password is mypassword, real password can be myaasword - nobody can guess ))

I agree but a super computer can guess isnt it?

If your password is not a word, but just a set of letters and digits - no, it is not.

Great, will check it out

I usually rage break all my phones.
Lost about 1k on that and still cant stop doing it.

You wright things .I have not a laptop byt have a smart phone.My all data are stored in my phone.If i lost my phone any how i will lost everything of my virtual data as like accounts password etc.great post thank you.followed

welcome , hope you will back up your datas isnt it?

Yes.for this i got rest

Good point. Hope your avoid wallet scams here at steemit as indicated in my last post. success to you.

The panic is real. I definitely freak out the minute I think my phone isn't where it's supposed to be. It doesn't happen very often but all it takes is one time falling into the wrong hands to create major financial problems.

I agree with you especially all the blockchain passwords...even forgeting your phone can throw you into panic mode isnt it?

We are in a technology age.
You are alien if you do not own any gadgets.

Hahaha I agree. But you will be in panic mode if you lose or forget them isnt it?

I forgot my phone a few days ago at the laundry...had it plugged in and charging in full view of all strangers...

Left went across town to mechanics and left...went to phone my husband only no phone... I remained calm.. went back and it was there.

Yes for the first time in my life no dread. I am changing and it felt wonderful to observe this. Now do I want to lose it again...NO ... LOL..

Enjoyed your post ..steem on my friend


Good point @rebeccabe n one want to lose it again ...great that you were calm and not in panic mode ...however losing steem login key can lead to panic isnt it?

what is great about the post? the guy pic?

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