Paradise or Death Game - My Answers

in #lifesfacade7 years ago (edited)

So @erodedthoughts is making this interesting game wherein we have to pretend the whole world is gone and we're just the one, lonely person around. I find this game to be absolutely intriguing and interesting, so I decided, why wouldn't I give it a go? And here I am!

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

1.) Use the tag #lifesfacade

2.) Pick a location that your days will end at. Anywhere in the galaxy is an option.
A spaceship around Jupiter, floating with David Bowie music in the background (here's a starman waiting in the sky / he'd like to come and meet us / but he thinks he'd blow our minds). A couple bottles of alcohol (cocuy de penca, please) laying on the ground, the sun far away, the spaceship in crash course with Jupiter, all signals both incoming and outcoming dead. And me, perhaps laughing because I'm doomed and I can't do absolutely nothing now.

3.) Name 5 other people that you would take to the island with you. Living or dead. (No, Family is not allowed)

  • Carl Sagan [Astrophysicist]
  • David Bowie [Musician]
  • Stanley Kubrick [Filmmaker]
  • Thom Yorke [Musician]
  • Isaac Newton [Scientist]

(don't judge me, I know it's a weird reunion, but oh God, it's indeed an interesting one at least... and it's just dead people, but well, what can I do?)

4.) Name 30 items that your group would bring and why. (5 items per person)

For me:

  • My laptop PC [I have my entire life here, so I need it!]
  • Fiebre, by Miguel Otero Silva [It's basically my favorite book ever, I need to die with it]
  • A hard drive with all the best movies and TV shows I couldn't get to see on earth [I guess that facing an imminent death, I'd start watching some of them]
  • My copy of Amnesiac, by Radiohead [A key album for my life, I even have its cover art tattoed!]
  • My little iron wizard [I call it a "totem", a figure that appeared from nowhere and takes care of me]

My very own iron wizard!

For Sagan

  • The biggest telescope in existance [Hope to see stars and get a few lessons from him]
  • A pair of jeans and a turtleneck shirt [I know he loves that kind of stuff]
  • A piece of a meteor [He'd love to take one in his hands, I'm sure]
  • The last existing copies of his works [He'd appreciate that, of course]
  • A Higgs Boson [I know he'd be excited about having his own Higgs boson!]

For Bowie

  • An electric guitar! [Just to hear him sing and compose!]
  • An alligator [Because Ziggy Stardust used to be one]
  • Tony Viscontis setup for recording [I'm sure he'd make a great album about the mankind's extinction]
  • Moon, by Duncan Jones [He's a proud dad, I'd take the best movie from his son with him]
  • Medicine [In case he feels bad because of his illness]

For Kubrick

  • A camera [He'd get to film the end of the mankind!]
  • A pencil and a ream of paper [So he writes the last film of our history!]
  • A Jack Nicholson mask [It'd be funny I guess]
  • An entire room to be the setup for the moon [I guess I could take him to direct the man's landing on moon again]
  • The IMDB Top 250 movies [So he can see the real impact he had on filming history]

For Yorke

  • A piano [Hope to hear some wonderful, sad music from him]
  • Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury [I think he might love that book]
  • A Paul Thomas Anderson boxset with all of his filmography [Jonny Greenwod!]
  • A synth [He'd make interesting stuff with a synth, no doubt]
  • The Whole Internet in a 256 PB USB Drive 71th Edition [He'd surely appreciate having something like that]

For Newton

  • A Calculus book [So he can see what monster he created]
  • A Laptop PC [I guess he might do so many interesting stuff with a laptop]
  • A sketchbook [He'd need one to do things in his spare time]
  • A box of pencils [He'd need lots of them]
  • An apple [For the sake of irony I guess]

5.) Name 10 items that you would destroy and that could never be made again.

  • Nuclear Bombs [peace sells]
  • Hard drugs like heroin [natural, healthy drugs are ok]
  • Facebook [Perhaps something else would take its place, but come on, Facebook is a black hole that sucks us]
  • Frontal cameras [Living on the selfie age ain't that fun]
  • Crocs [They're plainly ugly, let's face it]
  • The word "Millenial" [It's just a tag, I'm getting tired of it]
  • Machism [Sucks hard and you know it]
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 7 [A failure that shouldn't have ever existed]
  • Microsoft Windows [Learn how to Linux!]
  • Trap music [It just sucks]

6.) Name 3 books you would bring. (On Paper, not a Kindle)

  • The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri.
  • Cien Años de Soledad, by Gabriel García Márquez.
  • Die Verwandlung, by Franz Kafka.

7.) Name 2 foods that you'll have in abundance. (Straight food's like Apple's, not something like Pizza)

  • Oranges.
  • Almonds.

8.) Write a letter in a bottle. (Hopes that there is other life) or Write your headstone (If living out in Utopia)

  • "This is Gabriel, talking to you right now. We fucked up real hard. We deserve this. I'm going to take out the whole mankind to extinction by myself, and here I am, expecting for someone to read this. And even so, I can't get to write something decent. Great. I hope the galaxy's a better place without us, a peaceful place, where everybody (if there's an everybody after this) can enjoy the beautiful things of the universe and life without having to mess up things this time. Take care of yourselves, and eat your veggies. Goodbye."

9.) Make a post about your answers and post them and link that post to the comments section.


What a clusterfuck you have assembled! Round two will be fun.

Wow, this is the most interesting one of the contest entries I've read!

When I was deciding what to write, I was hesitating between being pragmatic and being creative. I took the pragmatic path, so I really admire how genuine are your answers.

Same here, but in the end, I decided to let my mind fly away, and it made the game completely different and much funnier than it already is!

Oh, and thank you! :D

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