Bon Jour ☀️🌞 With No Tomorrow!
I haven’t been very active in those past weeks but so many wonderful things happened and it seems that a new chapter in my life just started.
I will get a new flat and settle down for a while in my hometown Vienna, which means my status as a “digital nomad” comes to an end for a while.
I have an amazing team and community circle of new and awesome friends. Updates will follow very soon.
I woke up from a long sleep “hiding” my feelings and my heart stopped bleeding after a very unpleasant breakup two years ago.
You can't force something to be more than what it should. Sometimes the people we love can't comprehend what we feel.
— r.h.Sin, Whiskey Words & a Shovel I
Most important:
An illusion became reality!
I fell in love with love and life again!
Thanks to the universe to send a sign that love is just around the corner in every rose you find on your path.
Happiness, passion and sadness are the perfect friends, hugging each other.
There are also unpleasant things but that’s a part of the “game”.
We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
Charles R. Swindoll
Yours @mammasitta
Dear @mammasitta, I am very happy to read that you have found serenity and happiness, I think you deserve them fully.
This phrase makes me think a lot, I find it so simple but at the same time deep if can understand its meaning. But must have suffered to do it...
I wish you the best in your return home, I'm curious to see your future posts. A hug :).
I would be curious to know what you came up with? Those thoughts I mean.
Yes! It sounds so simple but it’s not at all because there is always something destroying the joy, resulting in sadness. For me those feelings are “hugging” each other because I can find a certain happiness in that sentiment. It’s like crying, being sad but I actually experience a warm, fuzzy sensation because I simply “FEEL” again. I chose to numb myself for too long....
Yes, all these emotions hugging make us feel alive. What I felt was a mix of emotions, happy and sad memories that together form the most intense story of my life, still hurts, but I'm learning to live with it and feel serene again.
I do understand!!!
Oh friend you have a series of mixed feelings that makes you emerge this new decision in your life, Vienna, I hope your live is better every day and leave behind nostalgia t's a beautiful place.
I have nominated you in my last post to a challenge if you can review it, a hug dear, we continue reading!
That’s very nice of you but I can’t be online that much for a few days:)
I overlooked the nomination. Could you post a link Here please!
Falling in love with love is a great thing. You will suddenly feel this peace and happiness within yourself, even right now i feel it with you. Im glad youre back, oh ye digital nomad lol
I found a huge smile 😃
I found it too, lol thanks
Yeah!!! That’s what I mean! Now I can feel you too!!! 😘
lol, okay let me stop here
uhm wait 😘😘😘 okay
Hahhaa! That’s sweet! 😝
Happy to be part of this new chapter of your life! Love your collages, steem on! :)
Oh oh yes! YOU Are!!! 🌞🌞🌞
I really fell in love with love again! That’s huuuuge!
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
Time is something that interests me a whole lot - past and present, and how the past appears as people change.
That’s so so so so beautiful what you just said! Thank you! Yes!!! ❤️
My pleasure
It’s so wonderful to meet people like you 🌸
Your happiness is mine, girl. :) And nobody I know deserves it more than you.
I just hope to share your way for a long time, still, and seeing you smiling every step of it.
Oh dear! I don’t show the tears ...come with it 😉
I might have to fall in love with love more than once per day. That’s not so easy
Wie schoen ist das denn! Das freut mich so fuer dich 💕
Es gibt immer diese Hoehen und Tiefen..
Ich hoffe du wirst dich gut einleben in deiner neuen Wohnung und in deinem neuen Kapitel :)
Alles Gute xoxo
Been so long mama and you've come with another emotional one.
Break up do occurs and it's always unnotice but we should not give up cos human being are the traitor not God because God himself is Love and that is why we should move on
I ammmmmmm moooooving 😝
Very good of you 😂 😂 😍
This is common in life to fall in love again and again, nothing wrong with yourself as one time life span you have to discover it's beauty and enjoy.
I didn’t think I could for toooooooo loooong
Two years ago I hugged my feelings in a very unstoppable stammer, it was very bad to hear the word. I like your words very well-
We can not change our past. We can not change the fact that people work in a certain way.
Keep on hugging all those diverse feelings! It means that we are alive!!! 🌸