Hyper-Productivity - Waking Up RightsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lifehack7 years ago


The morning is the your time to start anew and to start fresh.

So, just for a starter...what are the first things you do when you wake up? What is your routine? Please answer this question below and I'll make sure to reward the best comments with upvotes.

It's important...

I don't know for you but, when my morning doesn't go well, everything else doesn't goes quite as well as it could. The brain doesn't click into gear and I have a hard time focusing on productive work and I'm easily distracted by Youtube.

But when I follow my morning routine, everything falls into place.

Making it your own

I can't tell you exactly what your morning should consist of but there are principles that should guide our decision of what we should do in the morning.

Here are some good questions to ask yourself while designing your routine:

  • What is most important to me in the morning?
  • What simple thing I could do in the morning that would make me feel better?
  • What activities makes my brain foggy in the morning?
  • What activities makes me feel like I'm on fire?
  • When is the best time to wake up for me?
  • When am I most productive?
  • How long my waking up process should be before I start tackling work?

But here are my favorite questions:


  1. If I could live the perfect morning, what would it look like?
  2. What would be the impact of following that routine over the next 3 years?


  1. What would happen if I didn't have a morning routine and what would be the impact on my life over the next 3 years?


There is no better time than the morning to be journaling. I highly suggest you try to pick up the habit. It has been tough for me but every time I do it, I'm reminded of how powerful this habit is...especially in the morning to organize my thoughts.

Back to you

Tell me about your morning routine and what would be your best questions about how to develop a healthy morning routine. I'll make sure to reward the best comments :-)


Mmm very interesting... not sure I would have ever really disclosed all of this here but I will because, well why not... honestly is key... No judgements?
I have got myself down to a 6 hour sleep schedule over months of training to be able to get enough sleep and focus during my awake hours (sometimes I may nap lol) so I tend to take up rather early around 5 or 530am. I am planing on a morning routine that involves the gym starting Sept, but for now... I wake up, put a pot of water on to boil for coffee, stretch, brush my teeth and do the other morning bathroom stuff, maybe a shower depending on hooow early I awaken. I then make my coffee which I use a french press, I let it sit for about 8 - 10 minutes. Here is where i feel some judge but oh well, its meeee, but I smoke a little bit of MJ to get the creative juices flowing in my mind(I know its a bad habbit, but its almost like a guilty pleasure that I find helps me rather than harms me, mentally that is. I only have the odd drink here or there so its not like im a raging substance user :D) I then pour the coffee, head to my computer desk and start scrolling through crypto news. I then head over to youtube and now Dtube and follow along for an hour or so with a few of my fav. mentors as they talk about many things. next I head to steemit and check all my replies and do a quick scroll through my feed to see if anything pops out quickly. Then I check my trading accounts and see if there are any good looking charts to dabble into for the day. I then head back to Steemit and do a more serious scroll through my feed and interact with the stories i feel are good ones ........ phew.... by then the ol' lady is up and I either head to work or well head for breakfast or something along those lines.....
My next goal is to somehow setup my work station in an out door or very naturally lit area somewhere so that when the fall season hits I can be comfortable in a natural setting while I do my morning routine...... Phew...
Cheers :)

There are definitely worse habits to have than a little MJ. I love the way it stimulates my brain.
Also, I'm a little jealous that you're so high functioning. I can't believe you do all that & then go to work! For me just the bits you mentioned would have been a high functioning day.
Love the fall outdoor idea, I may have to copy you!

Thank you for checking in :) you're right, everything in moderation is ok :)
Yup sometimes my days are really long, but they are fulfilling if that makes sense :)
You should find a sweet outdoor office spot and post about it :D


Heres the same work station Ive had since I got into this crazy crypto world :D

I usually tweet around 2am or 3am Central time.

Very interesting, I'm sure if it's agreed that the best thing will happen when applied

You got it :)
Thanks for stopping by

right good . steem on

Every morning is different for me :) this is bad from one point of view and kind of interesting from another. Why is it different? Because my body and brain totally rely on several things :

  • amount of sleep ( also depends whether the sleep was ongoing or I was waking up from time to time)
  • how I was feeling before going to sleep ( very often it results into the quality of the sleep)
  • whether my day is planned.
    So if I had 8-9 hours of sleep, I went to sleep not too late, not hungry and not sick and in the morning I will have a plan of the day - I am sure I will have a very productive morning. However, letš presume if I got upset in the evening and was thinking about it for half of the night, as result I was sleeping like 4-5 hours, nothing will help me in the morning I will be totally broken and only coffee might help me with a time.
    So yea every morning depends on many aspects, some of the can be controlled like time to go to sleep, proper eating etc, and some of them cannot - like emotional things.
    Why I find it interesting? Because every morning is different :) and sometimes it is even exciting to see myself fighting to make it more efficient.

Very interesting, I'm sure if it's agreed that the best thing will happen when applied

In the morning 3 questions I ask myself every day. Two of them are in the morning while lying there in bed with barely opened eyes. The other is one I keep asking myself over and over again during the day for the purpose of checking in with and staying aware of myself.
So, here are the questions and why they are important to ask.
Q1. What do I want to get done today?
Asking this question does 2 things. I creates an intentional path and it brings focus to my day. It makes me directly responsible for what I create in my day and… I can create anything I want. I am without excuse at the end of the day because the day was of my choosing.
This is also the only time of day when nothing will try to take control of it. It is just you and your thoughts. So, make what you want of it. It is in your total control.
Q2. How am I going to get it done?
This is the part when your eyes are just beginning to work. If you don’t have a pen and paper… or a journal next to your bed, you might want to start. Keep your phone somewhere else because as great of an organizer it is, it is also too great a potential distraction.
Write down what you are going to do and how you will get it done. Writing brings our thoughts and all that is virtual into the real world. I am not going to go into all that the brain researchers have to say about that but… when you write something down it engages you more fully with it. And we need to be focused and as fully engaged as possible with our days. So write down just what you are going to get done and how you are going to get it done on some paper or in your journal. Carry it with you throughout the day to keep you focused and on track because things will always come up to get you sidetracked.
Q3. What do I need right now?
This is the question you keep asking yourself all day long and relates to keeping our energy levels up throughout the day.
LOOK… our days are truly unpredictable. That is why we set our intention for our activity and tasks at the beginning of the day while we are still seemingly in control. But as we move thru our day things come up which wear us out, destabilize our focus and slow us down.
To stay at our optimal performance we need to be constantly checking in with ourselves and asking ourselves what it is that we need. It may be something as simple as a glass of water or a bite to eat.

I mean, how many times have we missed a meal and pushed thru a project because we just forgot to eat when eating something would have made us sharper and more productive as our day progressed? Maybe we need a nap to get back up to peak performance or just to sit down and read something light.
There will be times when we will be ablaze with energy, creative thought and hyper-productivity all day without a break and other days when we will hit the ground dragging.
Whatever it is, we need to be constantly checking in with ourselves, checking in with our body, mind and emotion to see what it needs to keep us running at peak performance. We are Ferraris and not Fords. We need to be in tune with what is happening with our body, mind and emotion all day long to keep running at our peak.
At the end of the day, throw away that piece of paper. The day is over, you did your best and that is all we can expect of ourselves. Tomorrow will be another, very different day because that is what we will create for it.
I have found for me that making this a daily practice has given me more focus and kept me flowing more efficiently thru my day and it is my with that, if you adopt this practice, it will do the same for you.

That's a lot of great knowledge to share in one comment, thank you!

Go to bed by midnight and awaken at 8:30 in the morning - but just lie there and allow my body to be at peace in the comfort of my bed. Then get up, shower and have my morning coffee while reading or journaling. Spending about an hour. Adding what you want to accomplish today to be more meaningful to my day to help others.

Then I get dressed, and take one last look before I head out. The best thing is to have flexibility in your day to be able to stop and just smell the roses of life. If I could do this everyday, life would be so stressfree and carefree - unfortunately there are days you cannot stick to your routine; especially if you oversleep and have to be somewhere in fifteen minutes.

I thank you for your post @cryptoctopus, here - it really got me thinking how important one's morning routine really is to our personal health and well-being.

Very interesting, I'm sure if it's agreed that the best thing will happen when applied

Great questions. It's very interesting because for me, I am constantly battling with my morning routine. For example, I write down exactly the things I should do, stick it on my noticeboard and then don't follow it through. I am often jealous of my husband who is so disciplined at sticking to his routine. If something goes wrong in my morning (like this morning - long story!) it really impacts the rest of my day. And what happened wasn't even a big deal, but it affects my day which is not a good thing. We should control our emotions and not the other way round. But because of this, I didn't exercise today because my mindset wasn't where I wanted it to be. So it's kind of like a cycle. I have listened to or read countless tips on good morning habits including what successful people do in the mornings. I think if I can learn to tackle the first 2 hours of my day, I can tackle anything. But it's a matter of perseverance and discipline. I am not a quitter though so watch this space :)

Everytime I woke up, I never forget to thank the Lord. I didn't pray for myself, instead I pray for my parents. I pray for their physical, emotional and mental well being. Because I know that they're just acting strong for my sake. I thank God for every blessings that I received and for the blessings that I'm about to receive. And I also pray to God how sorry I am for all the sins that I committed and how more than a sinner I am. I stayed on bed just a couple of minutes just realizing stuffs. Reflecting on myself, mostly asking myself what I've done wrong, what are the things I should've done, and what should I do to make it right.

After that, I will stretch and go straight to the comfort room to freshen up. Doing my morning routine, brushing my teeth, taking a bath, and just the common morning routine that a normal people do.

Then, I'll be greeting every member of the family. Helping my mom preparing breakfast and also with the dishes.

I work from home so I don't have to to outside. Maybe sometimes when I need to walk my dog and also having some morning walk or run.

I think that's all I can share. Have a good and nice day! God bless. 😊

Very interesting, I'm sure if it's agreed that the best thing will happen when applied

The first thing I do when I wake up is thank God for giving me another day to live a healthy life .

Then I go to everyone's room and say good morning to all my family because without family , I wouldn't be who I am today .

I am very much of a morning person , I like to wake up early in the morning to get more work done . I feel like people who tend to stay in bed during their mornings do not get as much done . The sun is my inspiration .

I too start my day with being thankful for the day... prayers and gratefulness. I flex my body and do some warm-up exercises (HIT) for at least 10 minutes before sitting on my table for some journaling. I have been doing reflection and writing on almost daily basis for the past 15 years now. It has been such a healing and rewarding process though I must admit, some days, it is hard to write.

Reflection and writing is one of the most powerful ways to start the day and to guide your mind through the day's challenges because it pushes you to ask the fundamental questions what you did with yesterday (a canceled check), what are you gonna do with today (cash) and what you might do with tomorrow (a promissory note). I will encourage everyone to keep a journal. You must not fill all pages, you must not write a full page... just write whatever comes to your mind over time, you will build a struggle and your thoughts will become more organized... something you can pass over to unborn generations.

Happy steeming people :)

happy steeming people,, yeaah

Very interesting, I'm sure if it's agreed that the best thing will happen when applied

i think in morning we need to have golden hour where we plan our day,week and life, so we write what is important and what we need to do, also its important to have ~ 30 minute to think how i can make my work more efficient what steps i need to do:) Also its important to have some healthy habits at morning so you will live longer and more happy

As i commented on your post yesterday, my chef's life has really upset everything in my life! Even my sleep!
For the first 10 years of my career I was only working evening shift, this means i was always going to bed very late and waking up at around 11.30am for 10 years! Just imagine the habit!
Then when i was promoted exec chef, for the next 5 years i started to wake up at 5am-6am everyday and worked till late! My sleeping time was then at 1am everyday for 5 years.
Now since i stopped the job, i am finding it very difficult to lead a normal life, but i am putting a lot of effort in getting all straight , hope i achieve it soon.

Many of us would be morning people if we simply gave ourselves the opportunity to sleep more at night. A sleep adapted to the needs of our body gives us the energy, health and motivation to do things in the morning and throughout the day.
Although adults are usually recommended to sleep between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, everyone is different. To test your sleep needs, you should spend a week without waking up (like when you are on vacation). Go to bed at the same time every night, and watch how many hours on average before you wake up yourself in the morning]. Set up a constant routine for your bedtime and bedtime, whether on weekdays or weekends. It is of course tempting to lie down a little later on the days when you do not have any morning responsibility that awaits you, however know that upholding a consistent routine will put your body in condition.
Remove one hour at the end of each day. You can not ask the clock to go directly from 10 pm to 11 pm, but you can not expect anything in the hour before you go to bed, work or anything else. You must have time to get back to calm before you sleep

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