Trying to Fortune in Malaysia through the Slamocracy Event [BILINGUAL: EN-IND]

in #life6 years ago (edited)



What is 'slamocracy,' friends can find themselves in the internet. At first I also do not know. However, I really desperate side by side with the slammers from Malaysia (10 people). I am alone from Indonesia, from the small town of Lhokseumawe Aceh again. The event was held at BlackBox Building MAP Publika Solaris, Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Apa itu 'slamokrasi,' teman-teman bisa cari sendiri di inernet. Awalnya saya juga kurang tahu. Namun, saya benar-benar nekat bersanding dengan para slammers dari Malaysia (10 orang). Hanya saya seorang diri dari Indonesia, dari kota kecil Lhokseumawe Aceh lagi. Acara tersebut diadakan di Gedung BlackBox MAP Publika Solaris, Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Participants were given 3 minutes to read poems in their own style. I, that time brought with the style of the saga of Aceh.

Para peserta diberi waktu 3 menit untuk membaca puisi dengan gaya masing-masing. Saya, waktu itu membawa dengan gaya hikayat Aceh


At that time I really can hypnotize the jury and the audience and get the "ace". They think it's a new thing and color.

Saat itu saya benar-benar bisa menghipnotis juri dan penonton dan mendapat "kartu as". Menurut mereka ini hal dan warna baru.

There I am familiar with ISAAC SE HOO he is an engineering student who loves poetry. Continue to exist DHABITAH ZAINAL he is a writer and poet. Then, there is a NUMBER of students majoring in literature and MUHAMMAD ZHAFIR who is also very fond of reading poetry. Next, DANIEL TEOH, he thought the pen was sharper than the sword.

Disanalah saya kenal dengan ISAAC SE HOO dia dalah seorang mahasiswa teknik yang menyukai puisi. Terus ada DHABITAH ZAINAL dia seorang penulis dan penyair. Lalu, ada ENBAH NILAH mahasiswa jurusan sastra dan MUHAMMAD ZHAFIR yang juga sangat suka baca puisi. Selanjutnya, DANIEL TEOH, menurutnya pena lebih tajam dari pedang.


KIMBERLY S'NG from Subang Jaya JACK MALIK comes from Rabak Project which until now I still connect through cyberspace.

KIMBERLY S'NG dari Subang Jaya JACK MALIK berasal dari Projek Rabak yang sampai saat ini saya masih berhubugan lewat dunia maya.

There is still SARA RAJAN is also a poet.AZIZAN, Dan, ARIFF NAQIUDDIN

Masih ada SARA HUJAN adalah yang juga seorang penyair.AZIZAN, Dan, ARIFF NAQIUDDIN .

The jury consists of:

1.BERNICE CHAULY is a Malaysian poet, writer, poet, educator, also a founder and director of the KL Writers Workshop and Festival Director of the George Town Literary Festival in Penang. He has published 5 books of poetry and prose; went there and back (1997), The Book of Sins (2008), Lost in KL (2008), the famous literary memoir Growing Up With Ghosts (2011) won in the Reader's Choice Awards 2012 in the Non-Fiction category, the three, Onkalo (2013).

2.STEPHANIE CHAN (SG), has won national poetry in Singapore and England and has been invited in 11 countries.

  1. JAMES GOH is 13 years old, this little boy is very happy to express himself, either through poetry, videogames, and books.

  2. AZ'FARR BAGINDA is a theater practitioner, also an actor, director, producer, stage manager and art teacher. He has experienced artwork work with The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center (KLPAC), The Actors Studio, Masakini Theater Company, The Oral Stage, The Electric Minds Projects and The Brown Boy Theater.

Dewan juri terdiri dari:

1.BERNICE CHAULY adalah seorang penyair, penulis Malaysia, penyair, pendidik, juga seorang pendiri dan direktur Workshop Penulis KL serta Direktur Festival dari George Town Literary Festival di Penang. Dia telah menerbitkan 5 buku puisi dan prosa; pergi ke sana dan kembali (1997), The Book of Sins (2008), Lost in KL (2008), memoar sastra terkenal Growing Up With Ghosts (2011) yang menang dalam Reader's Choice Awards 2012 di kategori Non-Fiksi, dan koleksi puisi ketiganya, Onkalo (2013).

2.STEPHANIE CHAN (SG), pernah menjuarai puisi nasional di Singapura dan Inggris dan telah diundang di 11 negara.

  1. JAMES GOH berusia 13 tahun, anak keci ini sangat ssuka mengekspresikan dirinya, baik melalui puisi, videogame, dan buku.

  2. AZ'FARR BAGINDA adalah seorang praktisi teater, juga seorang aktor, sutradara, produser, manajer panggung dan seorang pengajar seni. Dia telah berpengalaman kerjakeej seni dengan The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC), The Actors Studio, Masakini Theatre Company, The Oral Stage, The Electric Minds Projects dan The Brown Boy Theatre.


This Event o support the RefugeeDay,

Untuk mendukung Hari Pengungsi.


The event was performed by MELIZARANI T.SELVA. Registration and tickets are free.

Acara tersebut dibawakan oleh MELIZARANI T.SELVA. Pendaftaran dan tiketnya gratis.



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