Beautiful Hand Woven Bags: Women's Skill Development in Villages of Banda Baro Subdistrict, North Aceh(BILINGUAL)

in #life6 years ago (edited)


A variety of special Aceh embroidery bag for this woman look beautiful. The model and color match the character and culture of Aceh and certainly adapted to the taste of today's society. At a glance this bag looks expensive, but the price is relatively affordable, because it is made by the skilled hands of the handicraftsmen in Jamuan Village, Banda Baro Subdistrict, North Aceh District.




This handicraft center under mangement of Village Enterprise Agency Owner-Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMD) can be reached from Lhokseumawe City for 25 minutes by motor cycle and vehicle, taking the direction to Simpang KKA Kecamatan Dewantara.

The bag-making process begins with a pattern. Patterns are made using manila paper. The design is tailored to the design of the bag that many people love and certainly keep the motive of Aceh. After the pattern is finished, then the motive of Aceh that has been embroidered pasted on the material and cut flat.


Next is to tidy up the pieces of these materials by way of reset. This work should be done carefully, because the process of penyesetan use a sharp blade.


After all the materials are ready, then stitched or fitted and given zippers and ropes. This process is done by using a special sewing machine and dikerjakn by workers who are skilled.Generally men. All work is done manually. the equipment is simple. Nevertheless, the crafters here are very skilled at making bags, so the results are not inferior to the factory-made bag.


After that enter the finishing process. The finished bag is checked again and tidied up. Marketing of these bags began to spread to the capital of Banda Aceh. For those of you who do not want to bother also available all the products in the show room Jalan SP KKA-BENER MERIAH, Jamuan Village District Banda Baroe, North Aceh District.




Beragam tas bordir Aceh khusus untuk wanita ini nampak indah. Model dan warnanya sesuai karakter dan budaya Aceh dan tentunya disesuaikan dengan selera masyarakat masa kini. Sekilas tas ini tampak berharga mahal, padahal harganya relatif terjangkau, karena dibuat oleh tangan-tangan terampil para perajin tas di Desa Jamuan , Kecamatan Banda Baro, Kabupaten Aceh Utara.

Sentra kerajinan tas ini dibawah Badan Usaha Milim Desa (BUMD) dapat dicapai dari Kota Lhokseumawe selama 25 menit perjalanan dengan menggunakan kendaraan bermotor, mengambil arah ke Simpang KKA Kecamatan Dewantara. Proses pembuatan tas dimulai dengan membuat pola. Pola dibuat dengan menggunakan kertas manila. Disainnya disesuaikan dengan disain tas yang sedang banyak disukai masyarakat dan tentunya tetap menjaga motif Aceh. Setelah pola jadi, kemudian motif Aceh yang telah di bordir tadi ditempelkan ke bahan dan dipotong rata.

Selanjutnya adalah merapikan potongan-ptongan bahan-bahan tadi dengan cara diseset. Pengerjaan ini harus dilakukan secara hati-hati, karena proses penyesetan menggunakan mata pisau yang tajam.

Setelah seluruh bahan-bahan tadi siap, barulah dijahit atau dipasang serta diberi resleting dan tali. Proses ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin jahit khusus dan dikerjakn oleh para pekerja yang sudah terampil.Umumnya laki-laki. Seluruh pekerjaan dilakukan secara manual. peralatannyapun sederhana. Walaupun demikian, para perajin disini sudah sangat terampil membuat tas, sehingga hasilnya tidak kalah dengan tas buatan pabrik.

Setelah itu memasuki proses finishing. Tas yang telah jadi diperiksa kembali dan dirapikan. Pemasaran tas-tas tersebut mulai merambah ke Ibukota Banda Aceh. Bagi anda yang tidak mau repot juga tersedia semua produk di show room Jalan SP KKA-BENER MERIAH, Desa Jamuan Kecamatan Banda Baroe, Kabupaten Aceh Utara.



His culture really has great ability to perform a variety of art. They are able to add so many details and above all, have a totally different and unique style, with many details and bright colors. Thank you for sharing details of its preparation and photos of the process. Excellent post, greetings.

thank you for atention from your @reialfr

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