My boarding house and rooms for wayward boys.

in #life7 years ago

It has been a while since my last post. Life has a way of messing with plans. Because of the need for more money to stay in my home, I now have 2 roommates. The first has lived with me for a year now. He works 16 hours a day and just comes home to eat sleep and do laundry. He is a great help with moving heavy objects. The second roommate stayed with me a few years ago. He is back in town working on a major construction project. He works 6 days a week. He goes back home every few weekends to catch up with family. He helps with small things around the house.
Both guys are great. Both drive me up the wall with little things. Things like leaving doors open allowing the cats a chance at getting outside. Or leaving the bread wrapper open after making a sandwich. Turning the heat on under a dry pan and then putting soup in it making sure that it burns around the edges. Taking off coats and shoes and leaving them where they drop. And the worst one, picking up items setting them down and forgetting where so no one knows what happened to it. It is like living with a college student and a 12 year old boy.
Privacy can be a problem sometimes. They really try to not bug me. I have been alone for several years and that makes me a bit quirky at times. Both know to not use my coffee cup. When the cats are separated there are signs on the doors so they know which one has to be kept open or closed.
I hope I haven't done anything that makes it difficult having them living here. Number one, I really like them. Number two, I also like the rent money.
They will both be gone this saturday. I am so going to enjoy the quiet. I will cook anything I want or not at all. I can stay in my PJ's all day. I will miss them until they get back. I guess I am a sucker for wayward boys