19 life skills with a taste of happiness

in #life7 years ago


If you managed to kick someone who was guilty of most of your troubles, you would not be able to sit for a week. © Evgeny Grishkovets

To be happy is the choice of everyone. Only from the side it seems that someone is lucky in life more, but someone less. In fact, you just need to actively develop skills that increase the level of happiness in each of us.

We counted 19 skills that give life a taste of happiness:

  1. Communicate. Numerous contacts are the key to success. One will tell you the phone or site you need, another will introduce you to an interesting person, the third will give you some practical advice. It is not necessary to be friends with everyone deeply and around the clock - just keep in touch, allowing you to contact people with questions, requests and suggestions at any time. Of course, we are talking about reciprocal communication - you, too, should be open to someone's initiatives and requests. The selfish exploitation of someone's financial, business or intellectual resources will only bring you temporary success.

  2. Do not be too modest. You can spend all your life in a dusty corner without being noticed, even with a huge baggage of merits and talents, if you do not show initiative. PR of own ideas is an art that you will have to master if you want to be successfully realized. In mentioning your merits and achievements, there is nothing shameful: people should understand that you are successful and cooperation with you will benefit them, too. Just make sure that self-promotion does not develop into arrogance. Sometimes it's enough just to mention that you are good at doing (let's say, install video clips on your computer), and you will immediately have like-minded people.

  3. Do what you like. Success comes quickly to those who seek to satisfy their own needs, rather than fulfilling a social order or eager to meet the expectations of others. Fashion on the business lady has led to the fact that many ladies are trying to make a career in the offices, whereas in nature they are "tailored" for another. Give up social stereotypes, listen to your inner voice and do what you want, and not what other people expect of you. Become yourselves, set real goals - whether round-the-world trip or the birth of four children. It is here that you are waiting for real joys and victories.

  4. Be friends with the happy. They can be just lucky people who have a lucky ticket every day ... Or optimists, whose life can, and is not cloudless, but they have an innate ability not to dramatize the situation, but with humor to take the footsteps set here and there. After all, the spirit mood is transmitted along the chain. You were rude in the morning on the bus - and the day is ruined. And after chatting with someone who is always in a good mood, you, on the contrary, get a charge of positive energy. A positive person and work is arguing, and the relationship is ... In short, a day portion of mini-luck will be provided to you. After all, the small joys of life are the ingredients of happiness.

  5. Treat life as a game, where you sometimes win, and sometimes you lose. Some people are ruined by an excessively serious attitude toward life. As the unforgettable Baron Munchausen said: "You are too serious, gentlemen!" - and an excess of seriousness leads to constant tension and, ultimately, to failure. Luck, on the contrary, chooses those who look at their affairs less fatal and understands that it is always impossible to win the lottery. But the loss can be followed by a win. So keep the excitement! And also any problem ceases to be important if it is "ridiculed" - it works 100%. It's not easy to do, but you can. And as soon as you laugh at the problem, it is blown away, like a balloon.

  6. Think positively. Positive thinking is an antonym of negative thinking, when a person himself pushes the environment around him. Place a taboo on the statements: "This is my cross," "It's written for me in the family," "I wanted it better, but it turned out as usual." Negative thinking shakes the psyche: our thoughts are directly related to our behavioral reactions (as, indeed, vice versa). Everything falls from the hands, one blunder follows another, and you do not even notice that you attract this bad luck with your own mood? Break this vicious circle, cease mentally putting off your failures - available and hypothetical - and they will stop following you.

  7. Surround yourself with the positive. If you are accustomed to watch horror stories, and in newspapers only to read criminal chronicles, do not expect luck to knock at your door. To lure her, you need to surround yourself with everything with a plus sign: beautiful things, major music, kind people and favorite animals. By letting in the heart only good, you program yourself for joy, happiness, luck.

  8. Smile to people. Psychophysiologists argue that even a tense smile after a while causes about the same effect as a sincere smile. Active mimic muscles dilate the blood vessels and improve the supply of oxygen to the brain, the cells of the central nervous system begin to produce endorphins, and we become more complacent and optimistic. Yes, and others to communicate with a smiling person is much more pleasant than with a moody man.

  9. "Do not get stuck." Some can not forget even the smallest trouble, constantly returning to the negative feelings associated with it. Or, following the intended goal, they again and again come to the same rake, but they desperately break in the impasse. This type of psyche experts call "stuck". Often, this trait is innate, and yet we must try to be more labile: it is faster to move from one emotional state to another, to change the tactics of behavior depending on the circumstances, to switch to different activities. Do not focus on slips, look for different approaches to life, and your chances of success will multiply.

  10. Praise yourself. Rejoice in your small victories. Sometimes we lament: "Is this a success? It's nothing. Out with others, what achievements! "Never discount your own luck, otherwise they will stop visiting you at all! On the contrary, praise yourself even for a conscientiously done little thing. And encourage yourself a gift. Psychologists advise to put this gift in a prominent place - like the Victory Cup. Then there is an incentive to succeed again.

  11. Eat right. Do not get carried away by strict diets - insufficient brain nutrition leads to increased fatigue, sluggish perception of the surrounding reality, and even to apathy. In this state you will not see luck as your own ears! In addition, food is a source of pleasure. Ice cream or a piece of delicious cake can provoke such an endorphin release that you will be illuminated by an idea worthy of the Nobel Prize! In short, do not deprive yourself of joy and peace of mind by starvation, but do not make a cult out of food. A roll into gluttony also leads away from well-being and active life.

  12. Create. The therapeutic effect of a hobby has long been proven. And let your hobby (painting, music, dance, craft) - pure amateur performance! But it relieves stress, allows you to achieve relaxation, well affects the work of internal organs. This is an ideal tool for improving overall well-being and overcoming the "loser syndrome". The real creators of self-perception are one of the happiest people. This they owe to the endorphins, which accompany inspiration.

  13. Try it. Do not close in one activity. Life does not stand still, and the transition from one sphere to another can become a successful turn in destiny. If there was a chance to prove yourself in something else, why not take a chance? Get a fundamentally different education, change the profession. Luck loves those who do not stomp on the spot, does not shy away from everything new and non-standard. And, if someone calls you with a strange at first glance sentence, answer the case: "Yes."

  14. Let go of all that is superfluous. Forgive the abusers, give out debts, throw away old unnecessary things, give up the duties that you were forced to do - clean up life like a computer from unnecessary files. You will feel freer, happier, capable of new achievements.

  15. Be more in the light. Its abundance or lack affects our mood. One of the methods of light therapy is that the patient is placed in front of a special screen that emits light of much greater intensity than ordinary light bulbs. So melancholic and victims of failures help to change their worldview in a positive way. In the dark, the pituitary gland produces the hormone melatonin, which generates melancholy and decadent moods, and an additional portion of light stops this process - yesterday's pessimist is ready to chase after luck again!

  16. Communicate to the beautiful. Real great art heals the soul, leads away from everyday fuss and sets up positive transformations in one's own life. There is a scientific explanation for this: bright impressions increase the activity of the brain, which creates an excellent basis for generating ideas and developing plans for their implementation. So, hurry to theaters, museums and philharmonic!

  17. Merge with nature. A short rest outside the metropolis will fill you with life-giving energy. Walk barefoot on the grass, touch tree bark, inhale the resinous scent of the forest, listen to the sound of the river and the chirping of birds, and in the winter listen to the snow crunching under your feet ... Even a walk in the park will help to remove tiredness and aggression, to release internal resources - physical, intellectual, creative, emotional - and you will again begin to expend forces in the right direction.

  18. Choose yourself a talisman. It can be a small plush toy or a ringlet - in short, something that happened to you in happy moments of life and that you can always carry with you. Here we are talking about the effect of placebo - firmly believing that your talisman attracts luck, you will indeed become more successful. Just do not overdo it: the talisman is a talisman, but decency and circumspection must remain with you.

  19. Believe in your luck. Find in your life the signs of luck simply. It only seems that there are no reasons for joy, but in fact you are the chosen one of fate and you are already lucky: you have a roof over your head, you do not starve and are free in your choice in life. Summarize all the good points and rejoice for yourself. Feeling yourself lucky, you will already be halfway to success. With such and such a starting capital! Will only make a little effort.

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