My 100th post celebration 🎈

in #life6 years ago
Two and a half months ago (75 days) I started my Steemit journey. I have come a long way since then, learned a lot, wrote a lot, read a lot and met a lot of great people. A lot of alot's 😊 Since I have joined, I have not logged into Facebook once, and that says a lot. I am 75 days free of Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest and guess what? I am still alive and kicking, feeling better than ever. I was thinking about doing this kind of post when I reached my first 100 followers and when I reached 50 reputation but didn't. Everyone does that, why not be different, lol, and write a celebration post as your 100th post? And so, this is me celebrating 100 posts that I have written. I would never had written that much if it hasn't been for all my readers and your lovely comments and upvotes. This post is for all of you. I love you dearly and am thankful soooo much for all your love and support that you are giving me on daily basis.

What is this about?

This is an informational post. I will talk about what are the topics that I write about, shout out to some great people that I think you should read and follow, will introduce you to some people, groups and interesting things and of course, what is a celebration without presents? I will get to that later, but yes, there will be some presents so keep on reading.

A bit about me...

There are 4 themes that I write about; Philosopy of happines, original stories that I write, educational things and pagan stuff. When I started I published more of my writings and there is a special person that helped with that. @mariannewest is a super special person that runs the FREEWRITE. You should definitely check her and the freewrite community out. That was one of the competitions and sharing things that I did in the start that really helped me to meet some people for the first time. But let's get that list out...

  1. FREEWRITE by @mariannewest
  2. 50 WORDS STORY by @miniature-tiger
  3. CONSTRAINED WRITING by @svashta
  4. CURIOUS FACTS by @river-island
These are the people and the contest thingies that they do. It helped me a lot in the beginning. There are many contests on Steemit that you can use when you are new here but I think these ones are absolutely the best so go on and try them out if you haven't already. This is a great way to get yourself out there and read some great posts just as it is great for getting the hang of posting on steemit. Even if you are not new and are looooong on steemit, try these things out, you will not regret it.

My history on steemit...

So... 74 days ago I wrote my first post and it made 0,03 SBD, weee for me. 😊 This is just a reminder for all you guys that you got to start somewhere, but here are some numbers:

Member of discord groups19
Number of witnesses voted for9

You can find all sorts of stuff about me and about anyone else if you use

Just type the username that you are interested in where my username is. But that leads us to another important thing in this post: IMPORTANT THINGS 😊

IMPORTANT THINGS - some advice

Ok, when you are new here you will need some helpful things to get you happily on your way. and are one of them and here are some more:


Gina is one great lady, it is a bot that tells you when someone upvoted, commented, mentioned you and many other things. She was designed by @neander-squirrel so be sure to remember that and donate if you can because Gina is completely free for use. Visit @ginabot for more information.


Nowadays I spent more time on discord than I do on Steemit. That is where the people are. There are many groups, some of them are based on common interest and some on the countries or the regions where people come from. Find your group, find your people. Interact with others and have some fun along the way.

3. @ethandsmith

This guy writes the best guides and if you need any help in your beginnings, his posts are the place to find your answers. Just check out this guide for using discord servers that I told you about and tell me I am wrong How to Participate in Discord Voice Channels: A Step-by-Step Guide


There are many different approaches to steemit, I can not say that mine is the best one but it has been working just fine for me. There are some rules that I have set up for myself. I answer almost every comment and upvote the good ones. That is important to me, communicating with people. I do not trouble myself with the number of posts I publish. Sometimes it is 3 a day and sometimes 3 a week but most of the times 1 per day. Quality over quantity. I read a lot and comment a lot on other people. Giving some love to those who deserve it is the best thing you can do here. Here is my list of DOs and DONTs

Use proofreading services to check your grammarWrite unreadable posts
Leave meaningful commentsLeave spam like "Nice post"
Interact with people and be politeBeg for upvotes
Source your imagesSteal images
Write your postsCopy-paste other peoples articles
Use words and imagesPublish a post with just an image

VOTE for witnesses!!!

If you are new and not interested in the white paper (do you know what steemit white paper is?) let me just tell you that witnesses are IMPORTANT These are the guys that have the power to change anything here on steemit basically. There is no boss here, steemit is opened sourced blockchain-based platform and the only thing that can make a difference between going the wrong way and the right way are the witnesses. There are people who are good witnesses and those who are not so much. Vote for the good ones, read about it and learn about it. By voting for the good ones you are actually helping steemit in getting better.



I do recommend @enginewitty & @sircork. Trust me and vote for these guys, you can not imagine how steemit would be better if they were in the top 20. Your votes can put them there. Go and vote. Make steemit even better. Whenever you vote for a witness, one fairy gets her magical wings. Whenever someone tells you to vote and you do not, one fairy dies. Steemit is full of faries, please keep them alive.

I gave you the link but I will give it to you again: CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR WITNESSES. When you get on the page, below, where the first blank place to enter words is, write enginewitty, click vote, write sircork and click vote.

This is what you are looking for on that page:

SHOUTOUT to all the great people

@crazybgadventure started the tag #shoutoutsaturdays and it is about promoting people that you think should be promoted. I am so glad and happy that this post is on Saturday and that I can talk a bit about this thing too. @crazybgadventure is an amazing guy and I am so happy to know him, he is doing amazing here and he is one of the guys that I am shouting about. Go and give him some love.

Since I started my journey there have been some great people who have supported my writing, I am thankful to all of them. @vortac was always there for me with his support just as my biggest fan/hater @awakentolife. Thank you boys, your support and love is very much appreciated and I love you a lot 💚💚💚 @ivan.atman made two servers, one for Croatians and one for people from Balkans. If it weren't for him I would have never had met some amazing people like @positivity420, @matejka13, @olegw, @exanime15,, @tonac, @tripdespider, @rita0404, @dumar022 and all the others. Heads up, @ivan.atman is an amazing musician and you should definitely check him out, just like all the other folk that I have mentioned.

Look at some of us at our first Zagreb meetup

@shadowspub IS MY QUEEN!!!

Yes, yes she is, she is my queen and I bow to her regularly. The amount of work and effort that she puts daily into bringing steemit users together and promoting them is amazing. If you do not know already, there is this thing called PYPT.

There is a Steemit Ramble server, one of the best ones there is, with lots of interesting and useful stuff. Every Thursday there is a live voice chat where you can promote one of your posts and listen to other people talk about their work. It sometimes gets so good that you can not leave. I once stayed for 8 hours straight 😊

There are so many amazing people on steemit that I can not list all of them. From the top of my head, you must go and check out @c0ff33a, @dumar022, @enchantedspirit, @katrina-ariel, @snook, @velimir and so many more. The best thing you can do is go and check the ones that I am following. Those are the best ones that I have found so far. To ALL OF YOU that I am following, I love you 💚


I am a member of a lot of groups but there are 3 that are special and important to me:

1. THE ALLIANCE - family, the alliance is family and family comes first. @enginewitty is the Batman father who watches over all of us and tries to raise us right. He awards more often than he spanks so we love him a lot. There is no great way to describe what the Alliance actually is. For me, and I am trying to be as objective as possible, it is a group of the best people on Steemit. THE BEST. Each and every member is amazing.

2. THE STEEM ENGINE - a great place full of great people with @enchantedspirit as the all-powerful presence that is always there, even when you do not see her she is there. The steem engine was my first big home place and I am thankful to all the members for making me feel nice and special.

3. STEEMSUGARS - a place for all the amazing ladies run by @meanmommy33. If you are a lady or feel like one, you are welcome. There are far too few female users here on steemit and this is the best place for getting some support and reading posts from amazing women.


Ok, I could write about so much more stuff but I am getting a bit hungry and I do think that I have covered the most important things that I wanted to put in this post. OH WAIT! No I haven't!

Look what @simgirl made me:

It is me as a sim! She really captured my obsession with green colour nicely. Thank you honey. This looks awesome! It even has my catchphrase "Keep your smile on" and my account on it, thank you thank you thank you. I love you a lot and this is such a unique gift!


Almost done... Little contest is all that is left. By now you know that I like to give SBD-s now and again to award my readers. What is a celebration without some gifts? I will award 3 best comments with 1 SBD. You can tell me anything you want in the comments (as always) but if you want to win the prize you need to tell me which one of my 100 posts you liked the best and why. 3 best answers will receive 1 SBD after this post payout so ready, set go --> comment and see you in 7 days. Well... I will see you sooner obviously just not with the SBDs, or will I? Am I rambling again? Ok, ok, I will finish this post. Just let me tell you one more thing...

You are an amazing human being, capable of so many great things. You can be all that you want to be. You are strong enough and capable enough. Nothing is stopping you but you. Whenever you feel down just remember that you are made out of stardust and that your energy pattern is unique. You are loved. Keep your smile on, there is nothing, NOTHING you can not do once you set your mind on it. This little happy fairy has just sprinkled you with her fairy dust and is sending some love your way.

thealliance_pagebreak (1).png

1st image is from, it is under CC0 License and is free for personal and commercial use. You can find it on the authors account there by following this link: geralt
2nd image from here and is by @kemane
3rd image is from @enginewitty
5th is from Steemit ramble server
7th is a gift from @simgirl
4th and 6th are my own images

For my "Philosophy of happiness" posts, please follow these links:

If I have forgotten to mention you in this post that does not mean I do not love you, I just have a bad memory sometimes. I do love you too.💚


@zen-art, did nobody warn you not to eat fish when @killerwhale is around?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Such a great post!!!! I love all your rules! These kinds of posts are always helpful. And- Congratulations on your 100th post!!!! You really put a lot of time creating these posts, and they always look great. And, you look great as a Sim!!!! Keep your smile on!!

Thank you honey, it looks great! You did an amazing job 💚

Such a great post a pleasure to read and so much great information

The do’s and do nots especially

I am glad it was a pleasure, thank you for your kind words 💚

Just my honest thoughts 😎

@zen-art-- First and foremost, Many Happy Returns on your 100th birthday!!! What? Are you not that old? Sorry, I'll look again. Oops, that should be your 100th post. I must say, I was going to ask how you stay looking so young.

Even more important though is 75 days free of Facebook. If it's like smoking your lungs should already be turning a healthy pink. If it's like alcohol you'll be getting a chip soon I think. Whatever it's like you'll be saving water because you won't need to shower after every session.

One more thing I'd like to mention. "Keep your smile on." Of course. What else am I going to wear?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I will always look young so you are not so far off as you thought ;)
Thanks doctor, your wife must be pleased with you wearing only your smile... :D

Nom nom nommity nom. Nomnom nomnomit nom nom NOM! Nommity nommity nomnomnom nom. Nom nom. Nom nom nommity nom. Nomnom nomnomit nom nom NOM! Nommity nommity nomnomnom nom. Nom nom, NOM NOMS!

Happy 100th post my friend 👍👍👍

Thank you ;)

I like what Killer says, my sentiments exactly.

I like how you are so "word-y" sometimes :D 💚

I loved your post "When Steemit is so good it hurts - VP headaches" because it addressed something I've been struggling with as well, and it ended on a really positive, chill note. Which I think really is just how you are, and I like that.

Thank you for your answer, good luck and see you in 7 days 💚

100 posts? What a cool accomplishment. WooooHooo

I'm really glad I found you and your posts. You write with power and honesty, a rare combination. And a pleasant personality to boot.

My favorite? I'm thinking your 'taboo' post.

Thanks for letting me tag along.

Awwww, thank you for your kind words, you are too sweet 💚

I think you really deserved one 100% upvote for this post and the occasion just perfectly fits! 😉

Thank you so much, the occasion is just right 😉

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