Christ in His humanity, a living testimony.
Exodus 25:10 And they shall make an ark of acacia wood: two and a half cubits shall be its length; and one and a half cubits, its width; and one and a half cubits, its height.
The acacia wood is a type of Christ’s humanity. Christ was a genuine human being. He was born of a human mother, He partook of human blood and flesh, He had a human name—Jesus—and He lived on earth as a man. His humanity was the basic substance for Him to be God’s testimony. Also the measurements of the ark of the testimony are halves. This signifies that the ark is a testimony. A half implies that another half is needed for a full testimony. Like in the married life we sometimes speak of a wife being her husband’s other half. Thus, the husband and wife together make a complete unit. This is the reality of Christ and the church, the full testimony of God here on earth. Oh Lord Jesus!
Praise the Lord! ^u^
_Keep on Steemin'! _ *
Amen to this. ♡
Amen indeed! Christ and the church! :)
Seldom people forget that what Christ after is the heart. Many follows on the culture and focus on it instead of the relationship with Him.
Praise God
Praise the Lord forever and ever!!
This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 1.10 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @yukimaru.
Excellent reflection Thanks for sharing. I hope you do not mind my daring to leave the link to share my reflection today God bless you.