in #life7 years ago

Someone once said that the only area of the entire universe over which you have any final control is you and in the realm of personal growth and development, this is basically true.

          Even God says, " Come, let's talk this over!" (Isaiah 1:18, TLB) In his mind there's no hint of. "Step aside kid. You can't handle this."

One of the apostles, Paul, too refers to our active control of our lives: Complete the salvation that God has given you with a proper sense of awe and responsibility.
The final control for enhancing your life is you. Maybe it sounds frightening, out of reach or too big to handle. But no matter how you feel about it, the ball is in your court.

  1. Touch Others. Plan time for those you love. They'll partly measure your love by the prime time you can devote to thou. Someone once said that you can have everything in life you want. If you'll just help enough people get what they want. And the best way to begin with a smile, a firm handshake and a compliment.

  2. Love yourself. Few people find this easy to do. But without belief that you are worth the effort and that you deserve good things, your motivation to develop as a person will be short-lived and poorly directed. For too many people the idea of "loving myself" smacks of pride and arrogance.

  3. Expect Respect. Let other people know that you consider yourself a worthwhile person, not a doormat for anyone. Your body is your own. Your mind is your own. Your emotions are your own. It is your responsibility to respect yourself and expect respect from others. Learn what it means to be assertive. Acknowledge your own needs and seek to meet them, without hindering others from meeting theirs.

  4. Listen to Yourself. Feelings come, and it takes a lot of nervous energy to repress or suppress them. However, one of the most vulnerable but helpful roads to better you is to recognize those feeling. Don't judge all-less-the-day cherry thoughts as bad thus producing sham and guilt. Rather see them as indicators of something out of killer-body signals that something needs to be looked into.

  5. Challenge Yourself. One reason why we don't grow is that we feel safe in familiar territory. To grow, to stretch your boundaries by setting goals a little beyond what you've done before. But don't go overboard. Set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable and relevant to you. Set time limits, but don't make them to long-distance.

  6. Love Learning. Our world is ever challenging, requiring new knowledge and adaptable techniques. Nurture your creativity by seeking answers to questions. Tackle new skills and be consistent in your search. Someone once wrote that the three C's - Curiosity, Creativity and Consistency are the most important like the three R's.

  7. Be Content. Recognize that often life goes wrong and is unfair and there's not much we can do about it.

  8. Forgive Yourself. You can fail without being a failure. Repeat it often enough and it sounds like a cliché- but it's true! None of us need any encouragement to do wrong and make mistakes. Nor should we allow our mistakes to discourage and debilitate us. Not all values reflect truth.

  9. Learn to Relax. Learn to pause long enough to touch, see, hear, and taste your surrounding. Don't always be trying to achieve. In order to find a healthy, happy balance, allow yourself at least one day each week when you can breathe out.

  10. Put God as the center of your Life. It may not be habit to be too religious but with God you don't have to be. You may be concerned about losing control about your life. Commitment to God means acknowledgment/ acknowledging His wisdom and choosing to agree with Him when He speaks definitely and it means choosing to apply principles He has laid down when making decisions where He hasn't spoken specifically.
    Thus, Believe that GOD MATTERS, and ACT ACCORDINGLY.

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Wooow. Grbe. This is deep.

hi @hesaid. hahahaha char2 ra arun naay ma post kay murag gilumot na akong wall hahahahha

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