Update of the Monster

in #life6 years ago


It is desirable to get rid of raw spinach from a house in the house. In the middle of the night, tucked away in front of a superb cock will run in the mouth.
It does not happen again. At the age of 6 months, I came to the city with my father on the lap. I did not get the love of Dududadi. I used to go there a few days later in the month. It was near the home of the village when the nose had a wet soil and the smell mixed with dirt. I used to get back home and breathe in my chest filled the day.

Oihanean bakarrik joaten nintzen. Denboraldi bakoitzean usain ezberdinak izan nituen.
Dada etxera joaten nintzenean, berarekin geratu nintzen. Nire aitaren amonak bizirik jarraitzen zuen. Bere ondoan lotan nengoela ohartu nintzen. Gauean errezitatu nituen. Gau errezitatu nuen. Ur epelaren usaina, Quranaren tonua gau osoan. Haurra 11-12 urte zituela Ez da aukerarik.

Grandfather dies while staying in class. Dada's cancer was caught within a few days after the death of Dadu. Fanial Stage. Living should not live. For better treatment, we started staying in the city's house. I tried to smell the drinks of the village sitting in front of grandmother in the middle but The grandmother could not even drink the drink. Still, how did the smell of the straw mixed with straws in her grandmother know? She knows maybe the people of the soil If the smell on the ground! Dadubasaya grandmother died, many were not going to class v thakatetarapara.

My nanu house is busy in the city of Bogra. I do not drink my grandmother. She was a doctor, so she was very aware of health. Regarding her condition. See the watch. See the game. Everyone is very respected by everyone. Even the little cousins ​​are called by you. The typical "Nanubari "I do not taste.
I saw a couple of times in the mouth but I did not get the smell. Some days ago, the mother of the aunt's mother sari gave dry to dry on the roof. Anti's mother lived in the village.

Going down on the roof in the ceiling, there is no breath in the sari. Oh! The smell of the sweet smell. This is the same smell. All grandmothers of the village have the same smell.
It is very desirable to get raw from a house in the house, the smell of the superhero will come. Run with a superb cocktail. My mother also does not eat. Do not drink my mother-in-law. Let me think, I wonder whether I get this smell alone? Or is there more Those who find the smell of the soil but do not get it.


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