Spirit Centric Healing outcomessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

We held a Lion's Heart Retreat this weekend specifically for men.  We ended up with 12 spiritual warriors in our circle and miracles happened.  Given my health, it took a lot to prepare for the event, go through the event and recover from it as well.  However, it was the most beautiful experience I've witnessed.  I cannot share what the guys shared as it is all confidential.  However, I can share my own thoughts and feelings about it all.

It all started with a group of beautiful women who received a spiritual message about 10 years ago.  The idea was to hold the space for healing that goes beyond what anybody is doing within the system today.  The system has done a tremendous amount of work to study, design and implement healing modalities.  In fact, I went through that modality nearly 20 years ago during my own recovery.  It worked for me, but it does not necessarily work for everyone.  It took me nearly 10 years to fully integrate their teachings only to find that they were inadequate for what I'm doing now.  They only cover the physical, mental and some of the feelings, while completely bypassing spirit.

These beautiful spiritual beings I call sisters, showed me a different way.  I attended a number of their retreats and was blown away at how powerful they are.  I witnessed people doing in a few days what took me weeks, months or even years to accomplish.  It still required the individual to surrender to the process and have the will to do the work.  However, even if they were not fully aware of what the issues are, this spiritual healing modality shifted them.  

I witnessed a young man turn himself completely around a week after he was found unconscious in a city park due to an over dose.  Men addicted to drugs, alcohol, work and all kinds of other addictions found their way.  I only wish I could find the words to describe how it works.  What I can say is that the facilitation team has done a tremendous amount of work themselves so that they can connect to Spirit and FEEL their way through the processes.  

When we brainstorm the activities for the retreat, we all tap into our heart space to check in with spirit.  If it resonates with us all, then it goes in.  If it does not resonate with the group, then we move on.  By checking in with spirit we are ensured that we are using the right tools to help Spirit reach the hearts and minds of the participants.  This requires a group of facilitators who are strongly connected to spirit and not stuck in their intellect, ego or other distractions or addictions.  

Spirit works in mysterious ways and when spirit does not agree, the angelic bus will blast through the plans and turn everything up side down.  This is not a disaster but Spirit's way of making sure "thy will" is being done.  When we facilitate retreats that are governed by Spirit, we surrender control of the whole event to Spirit.  

This weekend we had a fellow bringing three others with him and all three bailed on him.  Rather than giving up, he stood in integrity and found three others.  Spirit knew that those original three were not supposed to be there and instead made arrangements for those that were supposed to attend.  That is how spirit works.  The universe will rearrange itself to ensure the great plan is being followed and if that means that our carefully planned schedule needs to be rearranged, then that is what spirit will do.  

About 40% of our plan did not meet the will of Spirit and as such, events unfolded that forced us to re-juggle the schedule.  We did not try to force our way through the schedule as we planned it.  Instead we surrendered to spirit and went with the flow.  Turns out that Spirit knows best and as a result, the activities that were planned unfolded in the most beautiful and effective way.  The men in the circle had specific needs and only spirit knew how best to meet those needs.  The facilitators were merely conduits to help facilitate a spirit centric healing program.  

Miracles unfolded as a result!

This weekend was special as it was the first men's retreat that we held.  It was also special as we held a women's retreat at the exact same time, but 300km away.  We even synchronized a ceremony on Saturday night.  While the women did their ceremonial dance, the men beat the drums.  We did five stages to help move energy.  I set the stage for the men's drumming by sharing this to set the tone and mood for each stage.

 Rousing the Lion   

Gentleman, this is an exercise to help us process the energy of the weekend.  The ladies are 300 kms away and they are doing their dance at the exact same time.  As we move through the five stages of this ceremony, allow spirit to move through you.  Put your mind at ease while we learn how to allow spirit to command our vessels.  We will reach out with our hearts so that we can connect with the divine feminine as they surrender to spirit in their own dance and we will provide the beat from our drums.  I will share a story for each part to set the mood and intent for each phase.  Allow spirit to move you as your feelings connect to spirit, the divine masculine and the divine feminine.

Stage One – The Body (flow)
Intro:  Start with single heart beat on the drum

The heart beat of Mother Earth has finally awoken the Lion.  He is finally awake from his long slumber.  His body is sore, weak and tired as he wipes the sleep from his eyes.  He looks for nourishment but finds the world around him is foreign, strange, violent and in chaos.  It is dark, so it is hard to see.  All he can sense is the sound of Mother Earth as it resonates within his own chest.  He looks around at the emptiness and sees that he stands alone in the darkness.  His instincts kick in as he prepares to defend himself.  He rips open the cocoon and armour that has surrounded and protected him all these long years.  His body now able to move as Creator designed.  He stands up and roars to the morning sun.  The jungle is put on notice that the king is back.

Stage Two – Emotion (staccato / sharp)
Intro:  execution drum beat from The Hunger Games  

While the king was asleep, great trauma has taken place.  This is not the world that once was.  Greed, violence, raping and pillaging has over taken our mother and all our relationships.  We have been enslaved, conquered, contained, colonized, beaten and caged.  We have experienced great trauma ourselves by those we thought loved us.  We have withdrawn within out of pain, guilt and shame.  In our slumber we found out that we lashed out at others and that we too have caused great harm, perpetuating the violence of our oppressors.   

The king is feeling sorrow, shame and guilt for being asleep for so long.  How can he recover from his own trauma and take his rightful place as king of the jungle?  He must find within himself the courage to stand tall, acknowledge his scares, forgive himself and return to the ways of honour, loyalty and trust.  But how can he do that when emotions flood his body?

Stage Three – Mind (chaos)
Intro:  drum with random beats.  Mix it up.

The mind is the tool of the colonizer and we have been hoodwinked into using it as a weapon of war.  It is confusing as our world has been turned upside down.  The mind struggles to make sense of it all.  What is up is now down.  What is black is now white.  War is peace.  Love is hate.  The polarity of the world confuses and confounds the mind through the chaos of our oppressors.  The complexity of the institutions that we created around ourselves brings chaos where peace once reigned.

The Lion King is now awake and takes back control of his mind and commands it to do his bidding, not that of his oppressor.  The mind fights back as years of brainwashing and slavery has taken its toll.  The king starts to re-learn how to be his own master as the battle rages within.  The heart beat of the divine feminine reminds him what is at stake as he learns how to regain command of his own mind and body.  The heart beat of Mother Earth grounds the king as he struggles for peace within.

Stage Four – Heart (lyrical)
Intro:  drum roll

Now that the Lion King has full command of his mind and acknowledged his emotions, he finds his chest bursting with the burning desire to heal and forgive himself.  He realizes that there is nobody to blame but instead he accepts 100% responsibility and accountability for his own life.  Violence and war have no place within his kingdom, so he surrenders to the peace his heart yearns for.  He acknowledges that his past scares and trauma have forged the determination, compassion and empathy that he needs in order to govern his kingdom and life.  He looks after himself as he does not need anybody else to define him.  He knows who he is and acknowledges that his trials and tribulations helped define him.  His life purpose is clear as he experienced all these challenges to prepare him for the next phase of his life.    
 As a result of all his healing work, he is prepared to claim his throne and establish his kingdom.  His confidence, strength, dedication towards peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love shines brightly.  His heart is no longer dark or armoured.  His vulnerability is his strength as he confronts violence and helps others heal.

The Lion King is comfortable and familiar with all his feelings, thoughts and emotions.  He desires spirit to be the guiding light of his life, rather than the darkness upon which he awoke from.

Stage Five – Spirit (stillness)
Intro:  Return to the heart beat of Mother Earth

The Lion King sits on his throne.  He has found the balance of the divine masculine and feminine within himself.  People feel safe around him, honour and respect the work that he has done.  His true power comes not from violence, but rather through his influence with all those around him.  The heart beat of Mother Earth reverberates as his relationship with our mother is reconciled.  He works hard to bring prosperity to all life and to be a proper steward.    

The Lion’s Queen, seeing the kingdom, peace and prosperity is drawn out of respect and honour.  She too has done her work to heal and self govern.  They both acknowledge each other and yet make no demands or engage in any violence.  Yet the two are drawn towards one another as they acknowledge that by joining forces, they can change the world and bring balance and peace to all our relationships.  Spirit drives reconciliation and as a result, they both find a stillness within themselves and each other.

A calm and ever lasting peace falls upon the kingdom as the King and Queen sit on their rightful thrones, equal partners to govern. 

Spirit worked hard that day as the drumming was amazing.  But it also moved some of the men to start singing as well.  One of the last songs was for the missing and murdered women.  Word got back to the ladies and they were all moved to tears hearing of what happened here with the men.  We were moved to tears knowing that the women felt comfort, peace and security knowing that the men were hear doing their work.  

We then turned on the red light within the drum as a sign of respect and honour for the red tribes and the women that have gone missing over the years.  

Spirit does not quit when the retreat is over

Spirit is always working, moving and influencing our lives.  How often are we consciously aware of it?  I'm becoming VERY aware of it and working hard to embrace it the best I can.  My wife was at the women's retreat and they knew that I was recovering from cancer and that I've been very ill.  During their ceremonies they used candles and one candle was left over.  My wife blew out that candle for me and then something spectacular happened.  All the women asked Carey to bring a candle home from each of them and light them for me.  So when Carey came home and lit the candles, I broke down into tears.  Being overwhelmed with gratitude, love and appreciation is something that words can NEVER express properly.


When spirit moves, nothing on this planet can describe the experience.  I was so shocked, surprised, touched and moved by the gesture that my heart burst open with love, gratitude and appreciation for all the ladies that attended the retreat.  Thank you.  

Then two of the ladies dropped in on their way home and was moved to express their feelings, gratitude and appreciation to me directly, even though I was not even at their retreat.  It is a humbling experience when we can touch the hearts, minds and lives of those around us.  There is no better reward in life than this.  I love you ladies sooooo much.  

Giving ourselves to spirit

For the men, our closing ceremony involved a board breaking exercise where we spent all weekend writing our pain, fears, troubles, etc on our boards.  We physically and symbolically broke through those and sent our troubles up to Creator.  We also worked on our staffs, whittling away the bark and other trauma, fears, armour and other crap that we no longer want to carry around with us.  It all got burnt as a symbol of our desire to surrender to Spirit and allow ourselves to be vulnerable and show our true selves.  The symbolism that the men saw as they described their staffs was humbling, amazing and absolutely spirit driven.  Just stunning and beautiful.  

I truly wish I could share everything, but we built a safe container so that people would feel safe and comfortable sharing.  So out of respect for all the beautiful spiritual warriors that showed up, this is about all I can share.  However, I can say that Spirit moved through each and every single one of us.  There was no guru's there, no professional facilitators or state licensed practitioners.  Spirit does things differently.  Spirit uses those who have gone through hell and back to help others do the same.  Our legitimacy to help others is found through our determination, strength and willingness to overcome the pain, fear, shame, guilt, anguish or struggles that we have over come.  The process builds Spiritual Warriors and it is those people who are starting to stand up to change the world.  

The Spiritual Warrior will change the world, one spiritual being at a time.  And while we are doing this, Spirit continues to unfold miracles.  While we were having our closing ceremony on Sunday, one of our ducks hatched six babies and I found them out and about Monday morning.  What better way to symbolize the cracking open of the armour for these Spiritual Warriors than to have baby ducks crack open their own shell so that they can explore life on this beautiful mother of ours, Mother Earth.  

This weekend was the most powerful ever.  Why?  Because the men and women stood together.  We cannot do this work without each other.  It requires both sides to come together in peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love, respect, honour and faith.  We will do this again and we want to teach other people how to engage in Spirit Centric Healing Modalities.  Keep in touch, come and participate, learn, share and grow.  We can heal the entire planet.  All that is required is a group of dedicated Spiritual Warriors.  We find them by healing ourselves and being in service to help others do the same.  We have Spirit to guide us through the process and authorizes us to engage in Spirit Centric Healing.  

Be the change ...  surrender to the will of Spirit and stand as a Spiritual Warrior!  You are no longer alone!


What a beautiful experience shared amongst strong and exceptional warriors 🖤🐜🕸🙏🕷🦗🖤 you and especially Carey have been on my mind, in my prayers and a joyful feeling comes in my heart when these moments arrive. Blessings Good Friends! Happy Samhain!! 🕸🕷🐜🖤

Thanks Jill. I hope one day you could come and join us. I'm sure you have a LOT that you can contribute! <3 Let me rephrase that. I KNOW there is a lot you can contribute!!!!!

You are so kind White Walking Feather. I look forward to connecting IRL as timing is appropriate #spiritknows and is preparing us for those blessed moments 🖤🙏🖤

This is so wonderful. I love to see men gathering like this. To also have the integration of both men and women on the path is even more beautiful. I think one makes the other possible.

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Sounds fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing.
Would you be okay with me using some of your approaches/adapted in my own healing work?

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