Exploring the relationship between the divine Feminine and Masculine
I just returned from our Level 2 Spiritual Mind retreat in Edmonton. While I am tired and recovering from an amazing weekend, I find myself reflecting on some amazing insights that I discovered about myself and my relationship with others. Yes, the learning never ends and I welcome every opportunity to be vulnerable as that opens myself up for new lessons.
This weekend I went through a personal process that helped me see even further into my relationship with the divine feminine. I want to use an analogy to help explain what I saw.
Imagine that the feminine energy is the light source. On it's own it would shine its light in all directions. It may be seen for a short distance and provide warmth, guidance and comfort for travelers who happen to come across it on their journey as that light shines in all directions. Each of us has that light within us as we all have a divine feminine spark. On it's own we could survive.
Now imagine the masculine energy as the reflective mirror and lens. This energy focuses the light so that it can beam across vast distances. It has mobility and movement to change the direction of that focus as needed. Without the light source it would not have anything to do, but when we put the light source together with the lens, the light can be seen for miles and miles. It can provide guidance and comfort for travelers who are vast distances away from the original source, piercing the darkness with its focused beam.
We each have these within ourselves. However, for some, the light is bright but with a small lens, while others have huge lenses and small lights. When we find another being who compliments ourselves and we start to work together by merging our lights together and using our lens to focus that light, a spiritual couple can shine lights so bright that the darkness has no choice but to surrender.
When we find that partner, magic happens. When we join a tribe that is when miracles happen. Having dozens of people working together to allow the divine feminine and masculine to work together in peace, love and freedom, we become unstoppable, especially when we start putting our lights and lenses together for special occasions.
My wife and I have found a way to work together in this way. As I work with the ladies from the tribe, I had to explore my masculine role with their divine femininity as each relationship is unique and always demands respect, honour, patience and lots of hard work. We worked together for a year now and this last retreat was a challenge for me. I went through a lot of challenges and processed a lot of emotion and trauma as a result of that work. It culminated in an 'ahhh haaaa' moment when I realized how I can be of service to the divine feminine within the tribe and help them focus their light.
I got caught up in a bit of an ego trip as I started to feel sadness and unworthiness because I could not do some of the work they were doing. They helped me realize that it was not my job to do their work. My job was to provide the structure and framework so that they could do their job. I was responsible for supporting them, providing a safe environment so that their light can shine the brightest and focus on what needs to be worked on. My job was to recognize when it is time to take a step back and let them shine and step in when they are done. My job was to bring forth my own talents of communication, empathy, confrontation, leadership and experience. I discovered that my presence is enough. People find comfort and inspiration with me being in the room, even if I don't say a word. I build a safe container by just being in the room. Humbling thought to contemplate.
I do that instinctively with my wife, but each relationship is different. It took me a year to figure out how to hold the divine masculine space for other women. The women in my life are EXTREMELY POWERFUL! Make no mistake, it takes an extremely powerful man to hold the space and help focus that divine feminine power into the work that we did this weekend. I am up for the challenge and I think we all did an amazing job. As a result, miracles happened and I do feel that our interactions had an impact on the other participants within the retreat.
I also have no doubt that I influenced the other men in the room to help them explore their own masculine power and purpose.
For me though, it allowed me to put my emotional plague reaction into context and realize that my ego flared up while I suppressed my own talents and contributions. My role was to hold the sacred space, build a safe container and ensure the framework would function properly for the work that was being done by all involved. Their job was to bring beauty, love and form to that framework. We accomplished that and as a result, we built a beautiful retreat where we could all share our insights, experiences, feelings, thoughts and spirit.
The end result was that we found a way to listen to our bodies, process a tremendous amount of shame, guilt and trauma in order to lighten the load, refocus our internal lights and lenses. Everyone left lighter, brighter and refocused as we polished off the lights, cleaned and refocused the lenses! We rebuilt the bridge between spirit and our vessels so that we can reconcile our relationship with ourselves. We found that work manifested a much healthier relationship with others in the room at the same time.
That is the beginning work towards spiritual sovereignty. When we have the capacity to listen to the trillions of life forms that make up our bodies and acknowledge that they are working very hard to help us along our journey, we realize that they are our teachers. They sacrifice themselves for us, beautiful spiritual children. This life is here to help us build spiritual strength so that we are not checking out as a result of trauma, fear or doubt.
When we acknowledge that Creator and Mother Earth gave us a whole community of sentient life forms who have committed to working with us for the betterment of the whole, we must acknowledge their gift and sacrifice. We must find within ourselves to honour, respect and protect those sentient beings and all that they depend on for their own growth and survival. I feel I've taken another step towards spiritual sovereignty this weekend as I found a way to comprehend, respect, support and encourage the divine feminine in my live.
We need each other and when we acknowledge the skills, abilities and characteristics of each other AND find a way to make it all work together, we are unstoppable and miracles do indeed happen. I stand as a witness and testify to that point as I've seen it over and over again. This work takes a lot of energy, but well worth it in the end. A sacrifice I'm willing to make!
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those loving, beautiful spiritual beings that were there this weekend and played 'all in'. I love you all dearly and I thank you for the valuable lessons that I learned along that journey. Let's do it again soon!
January 3rd is a Lion's Den meeting in Athabasca Alberta. Contact me if you want to attend. Great opportunity to start your journey or find the tribal support if you are already working towards your own Spiritual sovereignty.
Curated for Flew Shot 💉.
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