Some ethical life choices we should all make to make this world a better place!
We should all do our part to keep parks and beaches clean - not expecting others to pick up litter and debris after us.
Reduce your consumption of disposable products. (E.g. switching from disposable plastic bottles to long-term use water bottles.), Re-use as many products as you can. (E.g. filling your water bottle from the tap, unless you live in Flint.), Recycle any product that can no longer be used for its intended purpose.
Always check to make sure the seat is clean before you leave the stall.
The clothing industry is pretty terrible for the environment, especially fast fashion. Best of all is to only buy clothes you need, but if you do buy clothes then buy second hand, or buy higher quality clothes that will last longer- which will be cheaper in the long run anyway.
Being mindful for others when doing things. Turn the light out when there’s no one left in the room, close that gate, put your dishes away when you’re done with them, make sure you leave a place as you found it,
6.Try to take small steps to be a better person. Let people merge in traffic if it's safe to do so (huge problem where I live) Let people who have much less than you go first on line at the store. Put the shopping cart back. Don't litter. Hold doors for people. Use your manners. Compliment people. Think about things from other's perspectives.
Stop revolving your identity over the things that outrage you and instead focus on the good things you contribute to the world.
Don't bring kids into the world that you can't raise properly
Where possible, don't drive. Walk, bike, take public transit, or carpool. This won't be possible for everyone, but there are a lot of people who don't really need to drive who do it anyway. Besides the obvious impact individual drivers have on the environment and traffic, walking/biking/public transit is better for building a stronger sense of community, reducing feelings of isolation, and really absorbing and learning about your surroundings. When you just quickly drive by, you miss so much and interact with fewer people.
Vote, and have a care about who you vote for. Don't just put your vote for the guy of your leaning, look up the programs before, take at least an hour to compare everyone's and make an informed decisions. When more people vote intelligently, things are better. When less people votes, we leave the most important decisions to the most radicalized folks, and that's who the politics will start pandering to. Vote.
At last don't be an asshole. Lets! Summarize it
It sounds simple and it kind of is, and few people would admit like "yea, I'm kind of an asshole." But many more people than would admit it, are, or are at least acting like one for part of the day. It comes down to being nice and compromising your needs with those of all the people around you.
Driving - don't be an asshole. Don't ride bumpers, cut people off, or go under the speed limit in rush hour, ever. Stop texting while driving. And for the love of god if you're not the fastest one on the road MOVE TO THE RIGHT.
Shopping - don't be an asshole. Spatial awareness - don't leave your cart in the middle of everything. Don't act like the produce is a luggage carousel and get so close to it while you're thinking about what to get that no one else can get theirs, either. And be NICE to the employees. They're making $8 to $10 an hour, and do not have a direct line to the CEO unless you're shopping at Zappos. If you have a problem, find a manager or write to corporate later. Or just stop shopping there and go somewhere that bothers you less. This also applies to call centers.
Reduce waste - This is HUGE but it's a hard one for most people because the garbage gets carted away to places where most of us don't see it or smell it or have to deal with it ever again. But seriously, how much food and general junk do you throw away every week that was probably unnecessary? There's a thousand ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Try, if for nothing else but the planet your family lives on and your kids are going to have to deal with, if you have/will have them. There are no infinite resources on this planet. None.
Stop and THINK about what your actions will do to others. Is turning on the light and blender at 4 AM going to wake my spouse/roommates/kids? Is it that important I do this right now? If I call in sick today because I feel just a little crappy and 100% lazy, am I totally screwing over my work friends? Am I at least trying to pay people back in kind for what they do for me?
And if you're getting angry and about to be an asshole, ask yourself if this is worth the heartburn and the negative impression of others. 99% of the time it should be a "no," our day to day lives aren't very critical to anyone but ourselves. It's what you do over the long haul that really matters, and that's built on what you do day to day, bit by bit. If that's acting like an asshole, well...