Honesty: The Trait Of Being honorable
Integrity is the trait of being honorable. Integrity is the foundation that all of us build on. Integrity can be defined as the ability to stand up for what is right and to face personal adversity or criticism with a strong sense of honor and integrity. Honesty is another important trait of integrity. Integrity and honor are part of our shared responsibility as human beings.
Honesty is the ability to tell the truth. I think most of us have heard the saying, "The truth is known to a man who is convinced of it." That statement holds true even in our times of social change. We must always be honest with ourselves if we expect to have integrity with those in position of authority. It is in situations of influence that integrity takes on greater importance. Integrity has become a rare commodity these days in our society due to all the dishonest politicians, salesmen, consultants, writers and business people.
What integrity the trait of being honorable involves is having and following a set of personal values and principles that guide one in their personal affairs. Honesty, on the other hand, involves being able to give sincere truthful information to people that reflects well on yourself and others. A set of personal values and principles is what allows a person to be honest and to feel honor for themselves and others.
The level of integrity that people have in them will affect the level of respect they have for others. Integrity the trait of being honorable usually means that a person is honest and does what is expected of them. When integrity is practiced in the workplace, integrity the trait of being honorable generally leads to an increase in performance and productivity. When integrity is practiced in a home setting it can lead to peace and harmony within the family unit.
If integrity is not practiced in our lives then we may find ourselves being dishonest, disloyal, neglectful, uncooperative, and untrustworthy. Integrity the trait of being honorable means that we are trustworthy and do what we say we will do. We need to make sure that we are telling the truth about anything that we do.
Honesty involves reliability, trustworthiness, credibility, truthfulness, and responsibility. In order to be reliable, one must be able to keep promises and commitments. Trustworthiness means that we need to be true to ourselves and to others. Credibility also involves the ability to take responsibility for our actions. Credibility also means that we need to be a good listener and that we need to understand what we are saying to others. And, lastly, integrity means that we follow through on what we say to ourselves and to others.
In order to be trustworthy, one must be reliable. When someone is reliable, others are more likely to be able to trust him or her. The traits of truthfulness, responsibility, credibility, and truthfulness also involve honesty. Honesty involves being truthful in all of our dealings. This includes the way that we handle money, the way that we deal with others, and the way that we conduct ourselves at home, at work, and at school.
Finally, integrity involves trustworthiness. Trustworthiness means that we believe in what we say and that we do what we say with sincerity. Trustworthiness also involves being open to ideas and opinions that differ from our own. When we are open to different ideas and opinions, we are more likely to come up with better solutions to problems. In short, integrity involves everything that we do in our lives and how we act in each of these areas.