you just you just gotta be you gotta
be you and the a great many people are sitting
there and they go well I don't know who
I am I don't know I don't know how I'm
going to watch yourself yet the entire time
they can't be their actual self on the grounds that
they're not tuning in to the internal ones
of themselves they're not doing the
things that they need to do they're definitely not
seeing the things they need see they're
not having the connections they need
to have they have an idea gracious goodness I'd
extremely jump at the chance to go do this and they don't
do it and after that they ponder hello I don't
know my identity well you don't know who
you are on account of you continue denying who you
are each time it gets an opportunity to come
up in light of the fact that your identity it is that
there's a basic topic of
all that you do and on the off chance that you need to
make your personality or blend your
personality you need to simply you simply have
to do everything that rings a bell
regardless of whether it doesn't fit the present form
also, on the off chance that you don't feel that you think
it's two classes not practical or it
needs to resemble that verse they have
their subject of their identity
well fuck that since you will have a
subject you will have a topic to who you
are on the grounds that it's you we're discussing
here you can't have you can't have a
you can't have a reason or an impact
that does not inside a live wellspring of
the reason you see what I'm stating
thusly all that you do is going to be
bound with you and you will see a
design that example is you you'll see
who you really are at individuals and that is
where individuals say I don't know my identity
what's more, I don't recognize what my interests are
Ruler of pillar I'm so confounded
well it isn't so much that you're it you're
befuddled it's that you're is that you're
every one of these driving forces ought to denied all
these little complexities of yourself and
rather than following up on these needs these
wants you put them away you bottle
them up that is your identity