Understanding Guilt, A Key to Radical Self-Change

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that he or she has compromised his or her own standards of conduct or has violated a universal moral standard and bears significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is closely related to remorse.

Source: Guilt - wikipedia

Guilt is one of the most destructive emotions in which we can get caught. If we have wronged another, or gone against our own truth, then of course we will feel bad. But to let ourselves be overwhelmed with guilt is to invite a migraine. We end up surrounded by nagging clouds of self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness to the point where we cannot see any of the beauty and joy that life is trying to offer us. We all long to be better people--more loving, more aware, more true to ourselves. But when we punish ourselves for our failures by feeling guilty, we can get locked into a cycle of despair and hopelessness that robs us of all clarity about ourselves and the situations we encounter. You are absolutely okay as you are, and it is absolutely natural to go astray from time to time. Just learn from it, move on, and use the lesson not to make the same mistake again.

Source: OSHO - Guilt

Guilt Forgiveness, the remedy

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding it is my self-responsibility to let go of guilt and not just accumulate it throughout my life.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand the impact of holding onto guilt as a deep and dark suppression.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the consequences of holding onto guilt.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how "guilt" can be a form of energetic possession.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking it's morally appropriate to hold onto the experience of guilt when there's an intense remorse.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to punish myself by resisting to forgive myself and let go of guilt and remorse.

Realization and Commitment

  • I realize it's best practice to forgive and forget. Learn the lesson and move on. I realize that holding onto the guilt and or remorse is due to not fully understanding the point of guilt and remorse...and so there's this tendency to want to compound it...pushing on it more and more in an attempt to make sense of one's misfortune. I realize it is self-destructive to burden myself with guilt.

  • I commit myself to living self-forgiveness. I do this by giving myself permission to let go.

  • I realize making the decision to live self-forgiveness is to practice the art of letting go.

  • I realize a forgiving heart is a heart worth having.

  • When and as I experience guilt or remorse, I study it, I learn from it, I grow and mature in my overall character of integrity, I forgive myself, and I create solutions to prevent repitition of past mistake. I learn my lesson and expand my playing ability as a life participant.

The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung offers in his book Psychology and Religion (1938) the famous quote:
Guilt is a cheap substitute for legitimate suffering
What Jung means is that human suffering is a multiple-step process that should end in psychological growth.

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Healing Your Shame and Guilt Through Self-Forgiveness., Shame and guilt can feel very similar with both experiences we feel bad about ourselves. But guilt can be understood as feeling disappointed in oneself for violating an important internal value or code of behavior.

I think I hold onto remorse and not guilt. I don't experience guilt the way you have expressed it here but I need these tools to let go and move on from other things. Perhaps there is guilt inside somewhere but it manifests itself differently within me.

Cool Stuff @cflclosers

You're a wise dude,

I don't experience guilt the way you have expressed it here but I need these tools to let go and move on from other things.

That's it.

Perhaps there is guilt inside somewhere but it manifests itself differently within me.


Each individual has their own relationship with words/experiences...thus it's like the "same difference" for everyone....as on a basic level everybody is programmed....but the dynamics as how we've formed impressions and what we've been imprinting, by holding onto...will vary from person to person.

In a way, it's kind of like everything relates.

In daring to explore the tool of self-forgiveness to simply create a way to consciously let go - I found it cool to realize that the more specific I am with my words...the better I feel in my body and the more impactful self-forgiveness is as a stepping stone and catalyst for self-change, growth and maturity.

Cool, this very timely for me, as Guilt was my card for today, I realize I have to let go of past mistakes and enjoy living here, with knowing what not to do to not repeat the past. Thanks for sharing awesomeness!


You are right sir the key to radical self change is understanding guilt. Our happiness requires our self acceptance. When we accept our guilt, we are okay or feel ok with who we are🙂

Articles that are very motivating,
Guilt arises when we realize that we are not respected by others, and of other causes.
First we have to forgive ourselves only then forgive others, when we have been appreciated by others new life we ​​will be calm without the slightest guilt of life haunt ..

Realisation is really hard but we have to do it to move on

understanding is the very basic thing to make the change begin

very motivated with the articles you make me also more able to learn with the articles that you create so I also can be aware for myself I'll be more able to forgive myself. and to forgive others because we can not forgive ourselves how to forgive others. thanks for the vote this time I am very happy to meliat your vote hopefully I can follow your voice for the next

Yes after all if I get to keep on going on the things I have done wrong or being felt bad with sth than has been done wrong with me than moving forward will be a hard task ,while forgetting it and learning from that mistake and moving forward is the perfect thing to do !
Forgiving is a generous part that all do not acquire ,but can a wise person if one get to acquire it !

Wow that is exciting photo.and defuse ha ha ha .....

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