Tell yourself, what are you trying to do?#wonder21

in #life7 years ago

Everybody's screaming. You just seem to work hard, everyone in the hoarse roar of life not only in front of the drift, everyone is trying to find a want of life, so in this road difficult forward.

So why do we have to work hard?

  1. A wave is stronger than a wave, do not be patted on the beach after the waves.

Yangtze, a wave is stronger than a wave.Competitive society, the fight is who is more capable, who can be a place in the social neutrality.

Natural selection of the survival of the fittest, you do not fight not to rob not to try, the result can only be in situ spin, so can only look at others ' light.

2.Remember your past years, what you got, what you lost, what are we living for?What is the meaning of life?The muddle is a day, all the arrangements to the full action to enjoy life is another day, a day in the past we have harvested.

Perhaps we work hard, try to progress, is to let oneself feel the meaning of existence, let oneself in this world there is something to do have a life to chase, prove their soul has not completely withered, prove that they have not been knocked down.

Eat or will be hungry but we still have to eat, sleep will still be sleepy but we still have to sleep, learned not necessarily useful but we still have to learn, alive will eventually die, but we still have to live.

Perhaps this is the meaning of life, your soul is guiding to become a better person, to abandon the ignorance of the enterprising idle you.

3.Perhaps all of the answers to our efforts are less than the last: because we only have a lifetime, our life is only once!

Time will not be repeated, the times will not fall, those you miss the scenery missed the road to miss the people, have become unable to turn back memories.The day after the mention, full of regret.

Life is not long say short, those you think still have time in fact also under your nose secretly slipped away.Our life is only once, we have limited time to allow their own life to play an infinite value, it is not in vain to this world.

Is it really useful for you to ask, do you insist that you will succeed?I'm sure I can't say exactly.But I can make it clear that in the process of hard work you have beaten the person who has become unaware of the progress of their own, has found a more positive and more excellent self.







你想起你当年的梦想,想起你曾激昂的愿望,想起你曾在华灯初上的夜晚对着这寂寥的空气吼着你要进五百强、你要成为一个优秀的律师、你要在娱乐圈风生云起 ,你要……




人生说长不长说短不短,那些你以为还有的时间其实也在你眼皮子底下偷偷溜走了。我们的人生只有一次,我们要在有限的时间里让自己的生命发挥出无限的价值 ,才不枉来这人世间一场。


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