My favourite Book and your chance to win a copy!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Last month I ran a competition asking you guys what your favourite book was. I got some fantastic responses, but no one mentioned my favourite book. I don’t know if any of you have read it or maybe it didn’t make the same impact as it did on me, so I’m taking this opportunity to post about my favourite book.

I’ve read loads of books in my life, I love reading and I’ve recently given up on some time-consuming hobby’s that were not returning anything, so that I could focus again on the important things for me. One of those things is reading. After I finished watching the whole Game of Thrones series, I’ve now started re-reading the books, I read every evening before sleeping and I read on the train to-and from work.

I’ve read diaries from holocaust survivors (one from my grandmothers’ brother), I’ve read novels, history books, Harry Potter, biographies, children’s stories, religious texts, guide books, fantasy stories, but no book has made such a big impact on my life as:

Tuesdays with Morrie

by Mitch Albom

I have 2 copies of this book at home

This book is about a student who returns to his former teacher and who then learns about the most important lessons in life.

The book will make you re-evaluate life and think about the things that are really important. For me, moving to Switzerland was something I did, because I’d read this book. The book did not tell me to take abrupt risks, but it tells you to look for the things in life that are worth your efforts. Love those who love you, spend time with those who are important to you, cherish those who show an interest in you and most importantly, don’t forget to live. Life is short, enjoy it as long as you can. Take it serious, but also don’t go under in the rat-race and always remember to live, you only have one life, live it now!

'Everyone knows they're going to die, but nobody believe it. If we did, we would do things differently.' - Morrie Schwartz

When I was dating, I gave this book as a present to some ’potentials’, you know what my wife answered when I gave her the book ’I know it and I’ve read it’, that to me was another signal that I’d found someone special, who was like me and valued the same things in life as I do.

I’ve read the book several times in my life, I guess the first time must’ve been shortly after it came out and admittedly I had to re-read it before I really grasped what a gem this book is. It is by all means a small and short book, but like Morrie it packs a punch.

I have a spare copy as you can see (my own copy) and I’m going to give it away to one of you. All you have to do is upvote this post and leave a comment below why you should receive such a gem? Of all the valid entries I will choose the winner a week after this post has gone up.

Thanks and good luck,



Hi @wolfje, I'm happy to come across your post. I think we have the same taste on books. :) I created a post to share the unforgettable lines that I've found from this book. I read this book about 15-16 years ago when I was in college. Though I lost a copy of this book through my friends who like to borrow my books and always fail to return them, I hope in your case the receiver of your spare copy can also have a life-changing experience from this book.

I don't know if you have also read Mitch Albom's "THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN," if you haven't then you can also check it out. That is my another favorite from Mitch Albom's books. :)

I got a notification when you mentioned me in your post, I already responded to your post and upvoted it. Yes, I did read the other book as well and it's very good, but doesn't come near TwM.

hey wolje
This book sounds great. I'm at a point of transion myself right now. quit my study for good and now reorienting what I would really like to do for work. my last book was elon musks biographie and I loved it but after that I haven't found something exiting to read unfortunately.

I hope you'll pick up your studies again, there's nothing more important in life. I didn't finish my studies and I still feel I'm suffering because of that and I'm looking at doing a study now.

Seems like a great book! Must be something with is a instructive. Upvoted and followed!

Wait you can have one of those? Oh shoot... I would have say, anne rice memnoch the Michael chrichton Jurassic Park no Congo no sphere no terminal Man..asoiaf... R A Salvatore drow elf.. Slahhh jeez there's just imtoo many to pick one

Ehm what are you answering? All I'd like to know is why you'd want a copy.

Sorry got lost in the many world I've traveled through reading. Ill take the suggestion and leave the book for someone else. Honestly have a huge backlog of freading I need to do anyways. Just showing my appreciation

LOL thanks! I can imagine though, I've read a few of those books myself and it's so easy to get lost in them. Tuesdays is not a big book though and very easy to read, not like the books from GRRM 😉

Hello Wolfie!
I'm a korean student majoring in English language and literature.
Tuesdays with Morrie is also one of my favorite books and I think this is a really good post!
Thank you:)

Thank you!

hi, @wolfje
Thank you for writing good.
I will follow you and I hope to write better in the future.

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If you do not know Korean, just use Google Translator.

Please do not spam, not interested.

Nice post, for the book i would love to have it, i dont really have a good reason for it, but i love readin and learning new i would appreciate if you give me the book, if not for anything for dropping a comment first

Sorry, but I'm very strict with the rules that I set. Thank you for commenting though!

great and informative post my dear friend.
waiting for your next one.

your most welcome my friend.