After all this time I'm back - discover what happened with me... WiseJG is Back!!
As some know I live in Venezuela, in the city of Barquisimeto, for work reasons I moved to the city of San Antonio de los alto. My work is quite easy and it has certainly been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in a long time. The company for which I work specializes in offering photo booth services. in business and private events. My function there is to be the operator of the cabin, I instruct the guests with the instructions to follow, and the rest is pure fun. I do not know if you have seen one of these booths at any party and if you ever see one do not hesitate to use it, you will have a lot of fun.

And since not everything in life is work, now comes the fun part. It was December, I worked until the 21st, here in Venezuela the month of Christmas and the new year is by law the month of holidays. My friends were already gathered in Barquisimeto, only I was missing. For that reason I make the trip to the city where I live. The photo of the reunion cannot be missing.

I must admit that December was a month of celebrations. We celebrated for any reason. If we add the factor that one of my friends was visiting from Panama, you will understand why we always celebrate before the end of 2019. I will let the photos speak for themselves and see our experiences. And that was only part of December.

Christmas dinner

My friend from Panama

In December there is no diet.
End of the year
To end the celebrations of 2019, the day of the new year has arrived. The best decision I could make was to go to my mother's house with my brothers, uncles and nephews. It was very nice, after not visiting my mother in her house for almost a year and a half, I had returned. The end of the year dinner was wonderful, the tables were full of people and food. The cold was intense but that did not prevent us from doing this activity on the outskirts of the house.

It is 2020 a new year has arrived ... As is typical in Venezuela on the first day of January you have to make the respective sancocho (soup). This activity is like doing hallacas, we all contribute something, some of the kids chop vegetables, they prepare the place where the soup is going to be made and that kind of thing is done when you cook as a family.

It was January 16, 2020. I was on a trip with my paternal family, we were preparing to go to the town where my mother lives. It was a surprise visit, we were all excited about the idea. At the moment of notifying my mother that we would go to see her, she was very excited, she was working but still she told me that she would go to the house to receive us with the prepared lunch. All good so far right? Well everything was about to change dramatically. I receive a call from a coworker from my mother and she informs me that she was in the town hospital because she had severe abdominal pain. In that instant all my joy became worry, everything was about to get worse. By the time we go on the road to my mother's house, they call me again, this time to tell me that the ambulance would take my mother to the nearest town to perform an abdominal echo because the pain was more intense and did not decrease intensity with any medication.
Thats my Mom and us.
Somehow we managed to match the ambulance I was moving to my mother and I immediately went with her to take that emergency exam. At the moment of seeing her if it felt very bad. The pain was very intense and his complaints let me know. I didn't have to be worried because that would make things worse, I had to be as strong as possible to give my mother all the support and confidence that everything would be fine. After doing the exam everything got worse, the pain was more intense, the mobility was almost nil, the only thing that moved were the legs to squirm from the horrible pain. We called the ambulance again to take her to the central hospital of the capital city, there she was sure to receive the necessary care and so it was.
After a long day we managed to arrive at the central hospital around 3:00 pm, keep in mind that all this had started at 10:45 am on January 16. Once in the emergency room, doctors began to take care of my mother, the concern was greater because we still had no idea of the diagnosis. The good thing about all this was that they managed to stabilize it, I spent 2 days hospitalized in the emergency room until they were discharged. After all that the doctors ordered a renal tomography to find the diagnosis, this test cost us $ 90 but fortunately we had the money available and we could do it quickly. The results were not encouraging. My mother now has a tumor...

The tomography showed a tumor of 15 centimeters, that is the only measure that I remember that thing had. What was coming was not going to be easy, doctors again ordered an emergency exam, a puncture. The day they were going to do that study they decided to leave her hospitalized, what we didn't know is that she would be in the hospital for 2 and a half weeks, in case they ask her we still didn't know anything about the diagnosis. They spent 4 days in the hospital, they had already done blood transfusions to my mom which was not encouraging at all ... the day of the puncture arrived we were all very scared, but the results were very encouraging. It turns out that when the doctors performed the puncture, they could see that my mother had no kidney involvement, that he was healthy. The other news was that what they could extract to perform the biopsy was encapsulated and looked like clotted blood ... oh I almost forgot, when they did the puncture they had to do a drainage. From there came 200 milliliters of blood. But with all these events my mother showed improvements with the passing of the days. The time for the biopsy arrived, we had to wait 4 more days for the results and when we finally had them in our hands our lives changed.
My mom didn't have a malignant tumor.
After those results the doctors began the discussions. They didn't know if they were going to operate my mom or not. Everything ended without performing any surgery. They had already found the diagnosis: Renal angiomyolipoma. Apparently it is something that can be treated with not-so-invasive methods. Now my mom is back at home ready to take a rest and start with her improvement ...