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RE: please friends listen to the following link
Very catchy tune and I absolutely love "though the truth may vary, it will carry...". That is a permission phrase that will help me change my writing style.
Thank you @edprivat, @briancourteau, and @lynncoyle1
Hey @willymac :) I'm a little slow on the uptake today, but tell me, how will it "change my writing style". I know you're a deep thinker, so I'm crazy interested in knowing what exactly it is I'm missing:)
Hey yourself, @lynncoyle1. I think very little gets past you!
The second hearing of "though the truth may vary..." made me think of how hard I try to remember the exact details of events and reproduce them exactly as they occurred. My thought was that my memory may be faulty on the finer details, so why agnonze - or leave them out - if I can't remember exactly? As long as it does not change the outcome of a memory, why not just fill in the blanks with a plausible "truth" that may vary from my fuzzy impression? At least there would be more "glue" connecting the different thoughts.
A plausible truth is better than no detail at all. I could not do that in the bazillion work-related memos I produced over the years, and it's time to let that fetish go.
That makes a lot of sense and I think it's something I do. Nothing wrong with a little embellishment when our aging memories' details start to fade.
You'd be surprised how much actually gets by me haha (Some of it, I simply let it and pretend not to notice :)
I have to use embellishment sparingly. I don't want to have to struggle with the "which Will am I today" every time I write something. It's enough of a problem as it is since the "me" that comes out depends on my mood, clarity, caffeine intake, weather forecast, and bitcoin price. It makes writing an adventure!
hahaha @willymac, with age comes wisdom and a whole lot of other things I guess...for me, it's also hotflashes😆 "Rational embellishment" is mandatory when it comes to my memory 😅