@adarshh, I regret not having read this within the re-post time because it is something that should be shared. It also deserves a Curie award, in my opinion.

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You have quite eloquently stated a case against mankind's maladjusted behavior against our Mother Earth, against a concept of Gaia, and of our apparent unsuitability as fellow travelers with our fellow inhabitants on this planet.
dear @willymac, it is wonderful to receive an award from you!
isn't it true that we have forgotten the very rules that made us. we have become so disconnected from nature that we question the obvious and ignore the basic tenets of life. the happiest people on this planet are those that realize their insignificance and live by nature rather than outside of it
We have isolated ourselves from the natural world to an extent where most of us in "developed" societies forget that we are a derivative of it. We have created an unsupportable bubble in which we live.
Unsupportable bubbles do not have long lives over evolutionary time.
Always a pleasure, my friend.