Shifting Consequence (the probable outcome)

in #life7 years ago

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© Westley Nash (2017)

It's commonly said that people often act as if without consequence. But from my own observations, it seems to be more that they know full well the consequences, but simply take actions regardless of them. We all know well from experience that for every action there is a reaction, and that every choice made reaps a consequence of some kind (be it favourable or undesired) and so like it or not, someone will always have to be the one to deal with that. Although, while many philosophies help us understand that "actions have consequences" they also tend to lead us to the assumption that the perpetrator of negative actions will naturally fall foul of their own negative consequences. But many now ask if this is necessarily true? After all, we often see and hear of people getting away with murder, simply by playing that get out of jail free card, which says: Do what you like, but just be somewhere else when the sh#t hits the fan!


Well as far as I see it, we cannot make someone take responsibility for anything they do not choose; don't forget that caring is a choice. But we can ourselves can choose to avoid people who risk bringing such trouble into our lives in the first place. This of course will help reduce the chances of us having to clean up the mess they create. But more importantly, I honestly believe that you can only escape the consequences of your actions for so long before they finally catch up with you. Simple probablility alone states that the more you do something specific, the more you increase the chances of a specific outcome occurring. So in other words, if you play with fire enough times, then you are more likely to get burnt. You play with traffic enough times, then you are more likely to be hit by a car etc.


So as long as their activites do not cause harm or hazard, then I leave those people to their choices and focus solely on my own. As the same exact probability that shackles them can actually liberate us! For I have found that by taking personal responsibility for ones own self, we can actually improve our life; far more than any shifted consequence ever could. By considering the outcome before I act, I can actually help to bring about positive consequences for myself and those I care about. Because simply put, the more you treat other people people well, then the more likely those people will treat you and others well too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and view my content, I am most honoured indeed and hope you have a really great day :)

Best wishes
Westley xx

You can also find me here:

Deep Underground Poetry



Well penned and well said. I think the biggest part of the problem is that people ignore that they do not act in a vacuum, that action they take impacts everyone around them, the society in which they act, and even the ecology in which they act. They never stop to consider first if what they do will be kind or cruel. While all of us obviously fail this way, too many people seem to live out all their existence this way.

OnTheSideOf Kindness.jpg

It does seem to be that way for some... They either never learn, or neve care.

That old devil, consequences! They even made a song about it.
You are the captain of your ship and you set the course and hopefully chart a path that you desire.
Looking at the world today it seems that those in positions of real power politicians, clergy and business tycoons do not live by this credo.
But expect us all too? It's a crooked playing field.

Couldn't agree more sir :-) The poor example set by those at the top are what give a free pass to this growing activity of dishonesty and dishonour we are seeing I fear.

We have to chart our own course and follow our own principles. "Don't follow leaders and watch the parking meters" as Bob Dylan once said.
The scandals that appear every five minutes about our so called leaders would have toppled many a government and business just a few short years ago.

These days if you have a load of money you can literally just pay a fine and carry on as usual. Look at HSBC to mention just one bank. They have been caught count countless times fiddling and no one goes to jail?

Agreed! I'm not sure what happened to the world to be honest. Anything goes it seems...

Very well said! I always take responsibility for my actions and I will apologize when I am wrong.

I've learned to avoid people who choose not to care, except for at work. I try but most days you only have to show up. lol

I have learned how to handle the trouble makers though. I just take the fun out of it for them. In return they usually turn that attention elsewhere. :D

Always best ;-) Definitely, there will always be those who we have to deal with sadly, but we can only do what we can. I used to work as a Health and Safety technician and so I had a few run in's with those unwilling to own their consequences. Sometimes you have to hold people accountable if their behaviour is unsafe to others and even themselves.

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