Life inside China's Largest Bitcoin Mine 🎇

In West China, in the Sichuan Province - about 175 miles outside of Chengdu, is a massive Bitcoin Mine.
The nearest town is about 20 miles away, with live-in workers paying to hitchhike there once a week.

“The good thing is, there isn’t anywhere to spend money, so you can save your whole salary,” One of the live in workers said.
Full Article Here.
Thank you for this important information. @waykiwayki
Love this, Thanks for sharing! @waykiwayki
WOW!! That place looks like a fire trap...
What's with all the water everywhere? Is that the by-product of water cooling?
Yep, it's from the cooling....looks dangerous to me though.
Great post man!
Beautiful images!!!
Which device and app/software are you using to take those photos? @waykiwayki
That's really interesting to see. I wonder how much they get paid to do that work. The water really does look sketchy.