How to Have True Friendships

in #life4 years ago

Friendship is a long-lasting relationship of reciprocal affection between two individuals. It's a more intense form of emotional bond than a platonic relationship and is studied intensely in various academic disciplines including communication, psychology, interpersonal communications, sociology, interpersonal psychology, archeology, and cognitive science. friendship encompasses a range of social behaviors and psychological qualities that can help us to flourish as a unit with our friends.

There are several kinds of friendships. Most commonly, friendships are formed in everyday social environments. Friendship can happen among classmates, co-workers, family, or even friendly neighborhood friends. It can also be formed online, as people may have first met through an internet website or other online medium.

Friendship often involves feelings of similarity or complementarity. Two individuals who are friends will tend to act similarly or have the same attitudes, goals, or desires. They also may share certain values or similarities in their everyday life. A good friend will spend time to compliment another, will listen carefully when the other is speaking, will be caring and considerate, will be good with others' needs, is willing to compromise, and will be able to accept the differences among people. In order to be a good friend, you must be a good friend to yourself.

Friendship often stems from similar experiences. Two people who have shared a history or who have similar aspirations for the future are likely to become good friends. It isn't uncommon for children to be best friends with their parents, or for young adults to become best friends with older people from their past. A few factors may make some people form close friendships while others may not. People who attend the same church, join the same club, or live near or the same school class or area of study are likely to develop a close, lifelong friendship.

A majority of friendships are formed because the people are attracted to or like each other. Attraction is the number one reason why we choose to be friends. People may also find friendship interesting because it allows them to release negative energy and stress.

It is also stated that most of us have at least one good friend. As a matter of fact, many of us have more than one good friend. Some friendships last throughout a lifetime. Women tend to be good friends with one another, while men tend to be good friends with a woman only and they break the relationship off if they decide they want a serious relationship. Although men and women are good friends, there is not as strong a bond among men as there is among women. This is due to the different roles that men play in society.

In contrast, many women are drawn towards men who have strong, loving relationships. This type of intense and enduring friendship is much more common in romantic relationships. These types of relationships often last for years, where as friendships may fizzle out within weeks or months. Most of the time, friendships may end when one member decides to go their separate ways. Some friendships may continue for years, where others may just be a one-time event.

Although some friendships do fade, this does not mean that you should give up on the friendship. Many friendships are important and enduring. If you continue to have a close, intimate relationship with a person, then you are preserving a friendship. The best thing about having true friends to hang out with is that even though the relationship may be over, the friendship will still be there.

True friends will always want to spend time together, go out together, and do things together. It is impossible to be honest with a friend, admit your fears and concerns about another person, and still be a good friend. However, by understanding that two people who share a deep friendship of trust, respect, and love for each other, you can be honest with one another and understand what it means to have friends.

When you learn how to make friends in school, you will learn more about yourself and about making friends in general. You will also gain valuable social skills such as developing a sense of empathy, creating positive relationships, building successful friendships, and understanding how to create lasting relationships. These social skills will be useful in many areas of life and will open up many opportunities for you and your friends.

Sometimes people need to be made friends, but not every day. While making friends is great, too many friendships are formed on a weekly or monthly basis. If you have a good friend for example who is never around, but you think they're a real friend, there is nothing wrong with making friendship with that person one time. This is called a frenzy and is perfectly fine, but not as great as having true friends who are always there to make you feel good and give you the support you need.


For me, a romantic relationship is a relationship in which I can open up to a person as my closest friend. I've had few such relationships, of which they were online. As strange as it may sound, online relationships were the best of my life. It's a shame they stopped because I didn't know much about those relationships. But after reading this information , I think I won't make the same mistakes again.

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