3G, 2G, 5G

in #life3 years ago

2G and 3G preceded 4G and now 5G is emerging. 5G is not the same as the 3G that some countries use to distinguish the people for the past two years.
In this case, 3G stands for three words starting with the letter 'G'. These 3Gs refer to the three ways of proving that you are not a danger to your society. Without a 'G' you don't get in or can travel.

With us, 'G' stands for geprikt (injected, vaccinated is an incorrect term), getest (tested with a test that even regards papaya as positive) or genezen (cured, proven you have been ill and proven you have antibodies present in the body, which is not necessarily as a high number of antibodies means that your immune system is still hard at work. But measuring is knowing which brings me to the topic that the government seems to know little about how the immune system works, as do many doctors I have found out today).

So 3G no longer stands for the speed of your phone and internet connection but for how 'healthy' you are. In itself, this is a joke because by now we all know that if you have been jabbed you are in danger and a danger to others. Injections give side effects, co-vi-d and create unwittingly super-spreaders. No booster help avoid or do what a real vaccine should do.
In Australia, the UK and the world's number one jab country Israel, they can tell you all about it. The outcomes are dramatic and the hospitals are taking care of mainly injected people who have suddenly become ill.

It's clear to me that the leaders of the countries where things are going 'unexpectedly' bad aren't the smartest people around. It makes me wonder why a developed country does not think: Let's feed the world first, let's be generous and send those 114 million injections to the Third World so they have something to inject too.
If it goes wrong we say: "we didn't know" or "you didn't have to use it, Japan didn't either."

The Western world is good at lying and cheating and making others pay for the damage they caused. I remember the Mexican flu hoax very well (some of you call it swine flu). Back then I ignored the media already and rarely watched tv. Most likely I threw the 'informative' brochure with the worst scenarios to scare the nation away.
I didn't feel any need to let me and my children be injected with what turned out to be a useless and dangerous treat. Today still many suffer from the side effects. Back then the government told most people with side effects and who complaint to drop dead too.
Just like today back then they claimed that millions of people would die. The streets would be covered with bodies. None of this was true. That whole vaccination campaign with its scaremongering came from the same sick minds as the nonsense we are dealing with today. The same diagrams, tables of doom scenarios made by the same people were shown. People who proved they turned out to be wrong time after time again. Big nonsense millions of people worldwide fell for because they are so afraid of getting sick. Strange, because the average person does not practise a healthy lifestyle and hardly cares about hygiene and no matter how scared they are they didn't change their lifestyle in the past two years.

Today again I'm standing on the sideline watching the scene in amazement. I thought that people can think, each generation was getting smarter. How can it be that the average person, doctors included, has forgotten that everyone gets ill sometimes? That there are flu waves every year? That hospitals are always complaining and the media never highlight anything from the positive side? How can it be that the average doctor seriously thinks that an injection is healthier, better and works longer than one's own immune system?
What has happened to mankind that it no longer attaches any value to its own body's and mind's ability to heal itself? When exactly did our senses switch to a truth that has never been substantiated or even proven? How is it possible that a Christian government does not value God's perfect created body and labels those who rely on it as insane, stupid and terrorists?

Soon 3G will be gone although in some countries it never existed because life is good as it is and the economy is thriving. In a few countries, people have accepted co-vi-d by now. They dare to speak. Co-vi-d is called peanuts, no big deal, even less dangerous than the flu. They accept that this virus is part of life. There is medication for those who need it, so the injection is no longer necessary (those who already had it are now registered and monitored). Some countries keep pushing. The WHO and WEF reign and the governments obey. No jab no job and you have to pay the bill all in the name of a safe society.


That's also what 5G is for. Not faster internet but a way to make it easier to check on the people. It's not important if 5G makes people ill. We are with too many anyway. The fact 5G affects nature doesn't matter. That 10% of the population left must be provided with all the 'luxury' and security with help of high tech. Luxury and safety for which a price has to be paid. That price is no rights, no freedom, being controlled 24/7 and judged. For sure what sounds great today will become a burden soon enough.

As our, by now ex-minister of health, de Jonge said: we know by zip code exactly where the unvaccinated live (by the way he is one of them, just like Bo-Jo, Biden and Fauci).

5G, like 3G and soon 2G (being cured or immune and having antibodies no longer counts) has nothing to do with health. 5G is dangerous and there are no guidelines for what the human body can tolerate. Tests (about 30,000) have shown that in at least 68% of the cases 5G is harmful, damages the body cells and changes DNA. Animal tests have proven this, as have many people who complain (and write) about health problems caused by too much radiation.

Photo: pixabay.com
#kittywu #5g #radiation #health

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