I Tried Mingling with Normalfags
Tried to mingle with 'normalfags' around uni residence. So draining, but I really want to make love to a hottie for once (preferably virgin but at 16+ that is hard to find), and maybe even have a longterm GF for once. I actually talked with several girls this time, didn't go anywhere, but I did, that's an improvement, now I have to force myself to do it every Friday night. It's good research/practice on modern social dynamics including literal social circles, pseudo-harems, mate guarding (the guys I talked to, were doing this), humour as indicative of shared values and commonality, ect. The last time I was popular was in grade 4. This has to change if I want to find someone to reproduce with. I really want children (with a high quality mate), because I think they will be the only humans I might be able to truely love. However it's clear that the noisy chaos of first year mingling is not to my advantage, but I can't think of a better place in terms of numbers of hotties present. Whatever. The fact is I don't identify with males or females. Combined with my natural introversion, this leaves me out of society. How I was 'raised' certainly doesn't help. I have to boldly move beyond my past failures. Play the cards I was delt, and be honest with my desires, even if that means admitting I am a loser when compared to others who so easily have what I want. Also means accepting this makes me depressed and furious. VICTORY OR VALHALLA BITCHES
True love doesn't exist. The closest thing to true love in the real world is parental love. Love is simply circumstantial, being in the right place at the right time and having the right stats. Females are attracted to apparent power and then physical beauty, intelligence, and kindness. Males are similar but with power being irrelevant and kindness/loyalty being more important than intelligence.