Last prediction of Messinga. Secret of the personality. Wolf Messing

in #life6 years ago

Wolf Messing

The name of this mysterious figure of last century Wolf Messinga was heard probably by each citizen. Than Messing was so remembered in the history of mankind? Unusual appearance? No. Unusual origin? Too not. But Wolf Messing was remembered to people by the mystery. His personality was very extraordinary: hypnosis, extrasensory perception, telepathy. It had all this knowledge and with extreme ease showed them. But there was in his life one insoluble task, Wolf very much wanted to understand who is he and for what such abilities are this to him. Unfortunately he didn't learn it.

The interesting facts from life of Messinga

Wolf Grigoryevich Messing (a real name Gershkovich) was born on September 10 in 1899 in Poland, the family was poor, except Wolf at parents was three more sons. Wolf's mother died very much early therefore boys were brought up by the father. At four-year age the sleep-walking, in other words this circulation in a dream found a disease in Wolf. The boy got up every night and went to a way, at the same time he slept. This disease it was finished by traditional medicine, the knowing people how to struggle with this illness prompted. The father about a bed of the boy put a basin with cold water and as soon as Wolf got up, he got legs to this basin and woke up. Here all also began with this moment, the boy understood that it is unusual.

Later time Wolf escaped from the house, at that time he was only 11 years old. The reason of escape was weighty, the father of the boy was very cruel to children. And as Wolf differed from other children also the fact that could remember quickly any information, the father wanted to give him on training that the son became a rabbi. Valcke (so he was called by the family) didn't want to study this profession and he had to run away. Even in spite of the fact that the guy had with himself no enough money, he risked to get on the train and to go to Berlin. It turned out to pass a hare as he at first hid under a bench, and then when the controller after all found the free rider, Wolf stared to that in eyes and stretched the scrap of the dirty newspaper which is picked up from a floor. The controller took it for the ticket.

On arrival in Berlin of Messing I began to look for operation. At first he was a dishwasher, cleaned boots, then delivered newspapers, but the earned means were hardly enough for food and the boy from malnutrition in broad daylight, in the middle of the street I fainted. Passersby addressed to hospital and the body of Messinga was sent to a morgue. Three days later the boy regained consciousness and was surprised to the fact that he is in a morgue. The fact that Wolf falls into a deep faint, is one more unusual ability about which soon learn many. Workers of a morgue were at least surprised to such patient and placed it in psychiatric clinic of doctor Abele.

Doctor Abele was very interested in such patient, he carried out studies to understand what abilities the boy has and even I helped Wolf these abilities to develop even more. Soon a miracle the organizer of concerts Tselmeyster became interested in it in the patient, he hired Wolf in circus. The Messing showed number three times a week where it lay in a crystal coffin dipping the body in an unconscious status and a body as if turned into stone as at the dead person. The audience was delighted, still, such show, live and not live how it is so possible? Still Messing read mind, found the hidden objects, predicted future.

Last prediction of Messinga

Said that even companion Stalin addressed Messingu to learn when war and on whose side there will be a victory will end and not only the leader was interested in these questions. For that time just in the USSR there was a war with Germans and Messing foretold that to Hitler the end will come, the Soviet Union will win this war. Even I told date! There were many such meetings, for example Messing predicted to Stalin loss of the son Vasily on the plane if that departs what the leader answered with mistrust to prediction to, the truth to the son recommended to go to a way by train. Vasily went to a way, plane crash happened, that day while predicted Messing. Stalin told nothing to the predictor after that case but how he didn't hinder with activities of Messinga, on the contrary, even to it selected the apartment.

The Messing went with tours, appeared, predicted future, surprised the people and communicated with the leader. Though as the nobility, the truth it or someone's fiction, already many years when records and documents in CPSU Central Committees archives were viewed, later no documents on Messingom Stalin's visit were revealed.

Last prophecy

The last prophecy which the seer made in a status of a trance states: World war won't be any more, there will be a world! In case of what I told this Messing with confidence in 100 percent. The Messing for the rest of the natural didn't understand why it is such and I couldn't explain the gift, saying that its ability to glance in the future contradicts the real world. Our future is created of the past and the present, there is nothing supernatural and everyone will be able soon to see the future, he said. It is a lot of information which was prophesied by Messing is available in archives of special services. They were in the apartment Messinga after he died. Probably, sometime quite so will also be, there will be no new world war, and each person will be able to glance in the future...

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