Activate your potentials
Analysing the current ideals in the society, people rather go for what is wanted other than what is needed.
what are potentials?
Potentials are qualities that if developed can lead to future success.
A purpose filled, potential activated life leads one to chose the kind of life that will benefit at the end, not just what the society throws.
Reasons To Activate Your Potentials
-it is what you were meant to do. It is who you truly are.
-Once you set into activating your potentials you stop living in other people's dreams.
-It makes you build a secured wall for your future.
What Is Needed?
Character molding is a major criteria for activating potentials. Manner of approach to situations whenever it presents itself , people and ways of communication among friends and strangers has its effects on the potentials of an individual.
Activating ones potentials is about revealing one's self from the inside. It has more to do with discovering one's self. A person who has discovered himself finds it very easy to activate his potentials compared to one who has no self discovery and is still wallowing about in other people's discoveries and dreams.
Before you are able to activate your potentials you, you should be set for obstacles before they come.
No matter how long a snail stays in its shell, it peeps to see what is happening outside its shell
Why Is It Negatively Affected?
Peer pressure and family believes can also affect the potentials of an individual who finds it difficult to understand what he/she truly wants.
To activate your potentials is similar to living your dreams. Practicality demonstrating the person you visualize yourself to be and poling out your God given talents to make it really work.
It has to do with breaking away from the shell of limitations. Believing in yourself and working towards making a better you. To make this a reality you have to forget totally about the negative thoughts deeds and sayings of the society about you and your potentials.
No body successful ever made it easily, nothing precious comes without discrimination and several trials.
Yes, you can make it work.
Dream big.
do not get scared of your dreams.
Put in more into your dreams.
Do more of what you can do best.
Be open to opinions and reactions but do not not act to all.
Build yourself to a limitless stage.
When it gets too hard, push through.
When it's too rough, push through.
When it gets too tough, push through.
you are never too young.
Never have the feeling you are not good enough, because you can do anything you put your mind to!.
I believe in you!
Believe in yourself!
We push through anything we put our minds to!.
You're so on point.
Most people are actually living other people's dreams instead of their. Funnily enough, they haven't come to the realisation yet. Some are doing things simply because their parents /guardian told them to do it. Others because of peer pressure. They fail to sit and think and discover that embedded potentials in them.
That's true
That's very true. It's all about persistence and consistence. Great post @utomobong. Keep this precious and good valued work coming in.
Thank you
Quite motivational. Unfortunately, some persons will rather keep wishing than make a move towards realising their dreams.
I'm happy I read this, am feeling lifted
I feel blessed 😄