Should you go to college???

in #life7 years ago

Should you go to college? Should you send your kids to college?

One of those questions that hes been around for a long time and for some people, still not answered..Is college still necessary today? Some people think college is sacred. mandatory and even think it's the only way for success and a happy life, they won't even discuss the idea of not going to college. and it's all due to one thing:


                                                 Social conditioning

As children, we are born free, we haven't had much contact with the real world around us yet, our minds run wild without limitaions, we are guided by our imagination. As time passes, we become social, we get influenced by our surroundings, our parents and especially society standards. So, we adopt, we eat like everybody else, talk like them, dress as like them.we are told when to speak, play and sleep. And so, little by little we morph from free children to ones following a horde. Nowadays, people go to college because it's just what everybody's doing, that's what their parents and everyone surrounding them did. Most teenagers today, never choose to go to college, it have already been chosen for them. Maybe he wanted to play video games, be a youtuber, maybe he likes soccer, poetry. They're forced to forget that and abandon their dreams. Society have some other plans for them, fall in the line , don't stray away, you need to keep moving with the horde. They know what's good for you. This path has been followed by people for a very long time, which also adds the parents' expectations of their kids to be successful at their studies and never actually caring what they want to achieve in their lives, they just want to increase their self esteem by seeing their kid excel at the field they chose for him. This safe route is: go to college, meet a girl, graduate, get a 9 to 5 job ,(get an average salary which is the bribe they give you to abandon your dreams) marry that girl u met in college, 2 years later, have a child, after a while you start enjoying the weekends more and hating mondays, then you start hating your job. The thrill and excitment is no longer there, the job is giving you no joy, you're just there to pay the bills. and you lead a monotone, mediocre life and then you die having liced an average life, never achieving your full potential, never getting out of your comfort zone, never enjoying life. As Steve Harvey said, that's not living, that's just existing and that is people's  biggest regret, they never lived a full life. a meaningful life, a life that they chose.


                                    pros and cons of going to college

  • pros: 
  1.  You Often Make Great, Lasting Personal Relationships.   
  • cons:
  1. Two-thirds of all students are graduating with debt, and the average amount owed is over $26,000.
  2. Attending college isn’t necessarily the mind-expanding endeavor it’s always been made out to be.
  3. Reinforeces the socail conditioning.
  4. The skills tought in college does not match the ones needed in today's job market...

                                                 my personal experience

2 years ago  I embarked on a self development journey. Everyday I read books, watched seminars, followed the steps of great people who changed the world. I satrted changing my life. Among the most crucial topics that faced was social conditioning, how it affects our behaviours and prevents us from living our lives the way we really want. Being influenced by great minds like Gary Vanynerchuck, Grant Cardone, Jim Rohn.., I started following their steps, leading me to my dream of becoming an entrepreneur, and college is not for entrepreneurs becuase they don't teach you how to build a business, how to do proper marketing nor how to invest your money. So, having set my goals and dreams and making a plan of what I wanted my life to be like, I decided that college is not for me so after 3 years of waisting my time I dropped out. Taking the decision wasn't easy, turning my back on society's standards and making my own path and of course parents' expectations didn't make it any easier. Right after quitting and having to deal with all the mental limitations that society has put on us. I was once again free, in control of my own destiny and it feels so good to be in command, to be the captain of your own ship and not having to follow a path forged by others. And so the adventure began,  I've already been making bracelets for myself "as a passion", I now had the time to take things seriously and make a business out of what I loved to do, and indeed I did I started making bracelets and selling them and later on expanding the business even more. Being a businessman meant that I had to make different sources of income, so I started searching online on how to make money. I ended up setteling for desinging and selling t shirts online all over the world, it was very challenging , but I managed to be successful at it. I also was successful on some different projects I started, and now since I stumbled across steemit, I'm gonna focus more on it and on investing in crypto currency. Thus, dropping out of college turned out to be one of the  greatest decisions I have ever made.


The answer to the question is simple: If u want to work in the system, get a 9 to 5. You should go to college, get a degree and then search for a job.

If u want to be free to do whatever you want in life, whether to be an entrpreneur, an artist, a super star... College is not necessary, you can skip it.

As for parents, let your children decide. Yu may think they're still kids and can't make such decisions. I'm sorry you're wrong. Even a 3 year old kid knows what makes him happy and does it, and that's what life's about: being happy now doing what you love now, not waiting until you get a degree to throw it away and then go do what you love.

I'd like to hear your opinion on the matter, feel free to leave them in the commnents.


Images source: Google



This is nice post and really i liked this post. Thanks to post this information.

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