i believe in improvisation since for every plan made 5 anti's will jump from the quantum foam to try and sabotage it - simply b/c they cant have you have it or thats not how its done
advanced systems theories state that the more complex a plan and the longer its execution time the more certain it is to fail and start errors which lead to more errors along the way
luck is a factor
but so is place of birth and daddy money
i see no warren buffets in belgium
after 300 years there should be at least one who has like at least 1% of that lol
i cant find them
... its a good thing optimism has Krypton back up already
or maybe thats just sheer obnoxiousness, they seem to be extinct :D
yeah this tickled me ...
I keep most of it to myself b/c i really have the impression no one wants to hear about reality. As the dude says : the only relevant numbers so far on mass effect come from Israel , but caveats :
so none of that applies to places where things run wild
i also read that in the uk with b117 about 1/3rd of the 3rd wave covid patients were re-admitted after 4 months, WITH increased mortality rate because in a lot of people the virus causes permanent scarring to vital organs (not just the lungs but heart, kidneys, liver ... ) which is incremental ofcourse if you get it a second time so they die more b/c the damage from the first "run" is still there. Its too soon to see what a third run does and its not clear how many of those were vaccinated.
Seeing as AZ and JJ doesnt stop 501V2 (and probably p1 and B1617) half of the time the israel numbers relate even less to the western hemisphere
in short (lol , my kind of short) ... it looks like its here to stay, not to mention that classis herd immunity does not apply since in a herd of buffaloes you can replace any dead one with any healthy living one but in sapiens society you cant replace any dead nurse (or any specialized occupation) with any other living healthy specimen, so to speak
and so
i tend to stfu most of the time but imo :
excrementis looking really bad (not mentioning theres riots everywhere xept on the six o clock news and the hoover dam barely has enough water to keep running so bill gates cant electrify all that farmland he bought)so the only valid option seems to be : dont get infected
that said
we have all decided (all of me) to do lightweight entertainment only
but its best to keep your head level -
(yagh, definitely a short version by me ...)
haha shorter version :))) all appreciated be well :)))
nod these things take time :D but its hard to compress all information into five sentences that say nothing for me. I'd make a lousy politician (or salesguy for that matter). We're gonna have to ride out that thing and see what the impact is 1 to 1.5 years after they started jabbing and that's that, i think. In the meantime its just keep going -
so ...
now for something completely different
what's the favourite ? (from 9gag ... they got some seriously incorrect excrement there too i see lol)
i dare say :
dont understand why anyone would wanna shoot that :D
allright ... im gonna try finish revolution 1979, a most enlightening 3.5 euros spent
lol :))) the Jenner thing is a good one she/he wants to be governor of California which is totally representative if the people living there :)))
first video was blocked country something something .
Yes she is very pretty and talented a business all by herself. I would scratch off money as a motive unless its a band thing , i guess jealousy cause Asians are known to get violent on occasion its a macho/macha thing, the Latinos also go all silly but that type of affection is conditional to the extremes ...
Crypton is on the rise again though ... so if we make it through the nuclear winter, who knows ...
gotta see the bright side since everything else is somewhat depressing right now lol
stay safe
other odd facts appearing out of nowhere ...
and im still trying to correlate the stats between
they should have all this approached it with heres whats going on bad news: your all gonna get it, cause we have nothing to stop it ,and we want to run some experiments on you, but its for your own gooD ???
Basically I remember that right from the start scientists told us even with a vaccine you can still catch it and still spread it.
yup, what i read is that in israel (where only bioNtek / pfizer has been used) everyone vaccinated is about 99% likely of NOT spreading it , but in the meantime pfizer CEO himself has admitted that (what they call) a booster shot will be needed 9 to 12 months after, which in essence comes down to a yearly vaccination. So if they cant reach over 24% in the states the effect on mass population is as good as nothing , unless they quarantine a zone for vaccinated people, make like stalin and move everyone behind a wall there.