Give me the elixir of life!

in #life6 years ago

All I can say about this morning is...COFFEE!!!
Ugh...last night the skies were violent!

It was raining pretty much all day yesterday...I was stuck inside at work...and watching it from the was actually very beautiful!

The trees danced in the wind, and the rain blew in from all sides. The sun kept trying to peek through the clouds, to no avail. It was meant to be a dark rainy day.

The rains always keep the customers away. To say we were bored would be an understatement, but that was okay. I was still reeling from the evening I had before...and the quiet was relaxing and welcomed.

It would not prove to be a quiet evening however.

Like many evenings. I fell asleep while putting my oldest to bed. I drifted off...I’m sure before him, while rubbing his back and watching cartoons.

I awoke to loud, thunderous booms!
I honestly don’t know how the kids slept through it!
I walked myself downstairs to put myself to bed...and realized my husband was up as well.

We could hear the wind whipping through the walls making whistling sounds, branches and limbs landing on the roof and again...more thunder!
I am not one that is lulled to sleep by the beautiful sounds of a storm...nope...quite the opposite. So...sleep did not come easy...nor did It come soon enough! I probably got a good 3 hours. So...

Again, I say COFFEE....please!?!?


LOL Not being a coffee drinker, I can still appreciate the aroma of a good, fragrant brew.

I love the smell too! I can’t drink coffee black! I like it with caramel or French vanilla! Yum!

Taking hot coffee to make you warm during a cold weather is nice. But taking the coffee during midnight hour will definately stop you from sleeping because of the caffeine content in coffee

Yes! I only drink it in the morning hours to put a pep in my step...and the early evening...when I need extra energy to keep up with the kids!

Saludos, soy de Venezuela y como buen venezolano un gran tomador de café, subirá cada día muchos el precio, pero la foto donde aparece la chica tomando café con los ojos cerrados y muy deleitada, es como un espejo mio porque es la expresión y sensación que tengo cuando me tomo un buen café, todo un deleite de sabor, aroma, esa sensación que te hace sentir BIENNNNNN. Felicitaciones por tan atractivo post. Éxitos.

I know that I am pretty useless with out a cup or two lol.

Me too! My morning doesn’t even get started until I have my first cup! It’s my motivation! Lol.

Ever you try aceh coffee???? This is one of unforgetable coffee... I think you need to try this...

I haven’t! I’ll have to look into it! Thanks!

May be you should try this.. Ever you come to aceh??

I am from Medellín Colombia, i know what a really good coffee Is. 👍

Oh yeah! I’m sure yours is delicious! I would love to have some real Colombian coffee!

Hey , thanks for sharing! i to be happy Always keep staying positive! Thanks for a nice post

It’s nice to feel positive! I always try!

Lol. You could have made use of decaffeinated coffee instead. It seems your brain longed for the aroma of coffee and the taste of it, but the caffeine would definitely disrupt your ability to sleep. In that case, what I normally do is grab a decaffeinated coffee and quench the longing of my throat and my nostrils.

I drank it in the morning!!! It helped wake me up...some I hadn’t very little sleep the night before!

I had mine already.

Well, amazing weather indeed. Your statement depict more dream to avail this type of weather. When I was reading i felt that I was in like amazing situation. Well story you described, really inspired.

Thank you! It was really more nightmarish weather! Thunder and lightening are always scary to me!

It's a good morning..... Coffee would definitely be great

Yep! I had two cups this morning! Delicious!