Remembering our friend, Liam Scheff aka The Conspiracy Realist!
Yesterday I wrote a brief essay describing my friendship with the late, great, Liam Scheff.
Remembering my friend, Liam Scheff aka The Conspiracy Realist!:
Posted on my personal blog page @aydansrecovery
I mentioned in that article how Liam appeared on our podcast, Truther Talk a bunch of times.. Though we were not as big as some of the other shows Liam appeared on, including his own, he often remarked that he loved being on our show the most. I think it was because we let him do whatever he wanted. We would often invite him on with the intent to talk about a certain subject only to find that Liam would move in a whole other direction.. whatever was on his mind at the time or whatever character he was working on.. I have a feeling when we sent him an invite, he would start practicing impressions.. Just a hunch.. Though some were totally off the cuff..
After he passed, one of the things I thought to do in his honor was to put together a list of the shows he did where he really got to display his comedic chops.. So here it tis...
- Episode 5 of Truther Talk, So Lonely OR Ginger Balls:
- Truther Talk, Episode 9: Comedy & Tragedy:
- Episode 12, What do men and women want?:
- Truther Talk Episode 56: The Return of the Conspiracy Realist:
- Episode 16 of Truther Talk: A Word By Any Other Name:
- Episode 11: Movies We Hate:
- Ep 90: Even The Crazies Have A Voice:
This is just a partial list of Liam's shows on Truther Talk. I had forgotten many of them but was happy to rediscover episodes like 'Movies we Hate'... I remember this was the result of a conversation I was having with Liam about some of our most hated films and suddenly he said, 'we should be recording this...' He said that a lot.
Fast forward to about minute 9 and hear me interview the lover of liberty, 'Dr. Ron Paul'... It's pretty great!
Peace, truth & love,
April @ truthertalk
P.S. If this is the first you're hearing of Liam, please do yourself a favor and check out his website. I think you'll find his work was like no other.. Truly an original.