When $hit Hits The Fan (SHTF) Post-collapse horror. Are you prepared?

in #life7 years ago


When we think of an SHTF scenario, we likely envision a Mad Max predicament, where everyone on the planet is killing everyone else, looting what little possessions they have left, and when all else fails, turns to cannibalism. Ah! Nothing like roasted human leg for dinner. Or possibly the scene from Armageddon--you know the one.

Sadly, it's not a matter of if an SHTF lifestyle will come upon us, but rather when it will come. Are you prepared?


Prepare now or you will be the first to die!

As harsh as it may seem, it's true. When a SHTF scenario hits, grocery store shelves will be devoid of ALL necessary items in a matter of hours, gas stations will be as dry as the Sahara, and you can forget about finding any type of metal coinage or jewelry from the local pawn shop--everything will already be gone!

People get comfortable with the lifestyle of buying what they need when they need it. But during an SHTF, you won't be able to purchase the daily items you'll need and bartering will likely be the only form of personal transactions for at least two years, if not permanently. So buy what you need and buy it now!


This is likely to be the first thing people stock up on, ergo, it will be the first thing to fly off store shelves. If you start hedging even just 5% of your weekly paycheck to purchasing foodstuff that will last for years: freeze dried and canned goods, salt and sugar, seeds, ect--then that will grant you a HUGE advantage over 90% of those around you. When bartering becomes the norm, you will find people will be willing to trade just about anything to satisfy their bellies, which in turn could make you rather wealthy post-collapse. Try going two or three meals without eating, you'll find it doesn't work for most people.


Studies have proven that a healthy human being can live up to three weeks without food, but only seven days without water. Stocking up on water jugs and bottles is always a smart investment, but if bartering becomes permanent and the paper currency never recovers, you'll eventually run out. Water filters such as LifeStraw can be purchased for under $20.00 at most retailers--a valuable investment as well as a good trade item.

Vitamins and Supplements

Ever heard of scurvy? Of course you have. Ever had scurvy? Probably not. When our ancestors bravely set out to explore different parts of the globe centuries ago, scurvy was a common disease due to lack of vitamin C in their food. Although scurvy isn't likely to be a reoccurring epidemic, there will no doubt be diseases galore as a result of lack of clean water medical supplies. Having such items on-hand is a no-brainer.


You may not be a farmer growing your own food, but tools can be worth their weight in gold if traded to the right person. Having a basic set of hand tools as well as some fundamental farming tools (i.e. hoe, shovel) in case you grow a garden will be needful.

Gold and Silver

Most people will blast me for not placing this item at the top of the list. Let me ask you this, can you eat gold and silver, can you wipe your butt with it, can you build a structure with them? Obviously not. As important as gold and silver are, you have to agree that there are other items people will need first, such as food. These items are for preppers who have more of a bankroll to spend on survival items than others, but don't necessarily want to horde 800 hammers in their garage just to invest their worthless cash. Gold and silver are the paramount of investments; once you have the basics you'll need to survive, then start purchasing these.

Toilet Paper

Does this item really need an explanation?

Feminine Products

Yes, I know, the thought of hording Tampons--especially if you're a dude--in your garage or shed drastically reduces your manliness, but just imagine how sought-after an item like this will be.

Solar and DC Powered Devices

The electric company will likely be shut down, so how will you watch Netflix during an SHTF scenario? The answer: Solar panels and batteries! In all seriousness, having the capability to generate your own electricity will prove to be invaluable.

Candles, Matches, Lighters, Flashlights

If an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is fired at the country, it will instantly send everyone back to the dark ages in a nanosecond. It could take months, years even before the power comes back on--or maybe even never. Do you really want to sit in darkness for the rest of your life?

These items are just the very basics for survival. I'm sure there are 101 other things that could be added to this list, but this should be a good start to your bucket list. By preparing for the inevitable now, you drastically boost your chances of not only surviving, but having a decent lifestyle post-collapse.

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